
Assiniboine Research Paper

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Assiniboine is pronounced "ah-SIN-uh-boin." Assiniboine is a large Plains tribe who live in parts of Canada and the United States. Before Europeans came to North America, the Assiniboine lived near Lake Superior in what is now Ontario. During the late 1600's and the 1700's, they moved to what became Saskatchewan, Montana, and North Dakota. The name Assiniboine probably comes from a Chippewa word that means one who cooks by the use of stones.They boiled soup by dropping hot stones into a pot. In Canada, they are often called Stonies. The Assiniboine were a nomadic people who moved about following buffalo herds. They lived in tipis made of buffalo hides and wore buckskin clothing. The men hunted game, especially buffalo and antelope, and the

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