
Assignment 2: Is Your Process Following Your Policy?

Decent Essays

Is your process following your policy? If your process is not following your policy, you do not have a leg to stand on; in the work place or more importantly in a court of law.
We rolled out a new electronic health record in 2010. In 2011 we added additional applications to that, including electronic physician order entry and medication reconciliation. In the very early stages we decided that we needed to have policy’s in place. We wanted to have them ready to go when the applications were activated. Not to wait until we had been on them for a while and see what was working and what was not. We reached out to other facilities, and the EMR system staff to see what suggestions they had. We went on site visits to multiple facilities and job shadowed clinical users. Consulted with our clinical managers, staff, and physicians. Held weekly meetings to review, edit and revise the policies before we finalized them.
One of the most important policy’s we drafted was the medication reconciliation policy. We felt like this was a major patient safety issue that needed to be gotten …show more content…

Encourage the use of computer-generated or electronic medication administration records. Plan for the implementation of computerized prescriber order entry systems. Consider the use of machine-readable code (i.e., bar coding) in the medication administration process. Use computerized drug profiling in the pharmacy. Be a demanding customer of pharmacy system software; encourage vendors to incorporate and assist in implementing an adequate standardized set of checks into computerized hospital pharmacy systems (e.g., screening for duplicate drug therapies, patient allergies, potential drug interactions, drug/lab interactions, dose ranges, etc.)”. (Association,

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