
Assignment 2: Case Study Answers

Satisfactory Essays

Operating Results – In May, NLHA generated a consolidated loss from operations of $90k compared to a budgeted gain of $5k. May non-operating revenue was $295k compared to a budget of $83k, resulting in a positive variance of $212k. Contributions are $350k over budget YTD. Net Gain – The combination of the May operating loss and the non-operating gain produced a net gain of $205k. That brought our YTD net gain to $463k compared to a budgeted loss of $888k. Gross Revenue – The eleventh month of FY 15 produced consolidated gross revenue $161k higher than the budget. That brought YTD gross revenue for FY 15 to $6.035M over budget. Hospital departments with the largest positive variances to budget for May included Radiology at $169k, Cardiology at $122k, Medical-Oncology Infusion at $83k, and the Lab at $77k over budget for the month. The NLH Medical Groups’ (Physician Practices’) May gross revenue was $285k over budget, led by the Newport Health Center, Neurosurgery, and Orthopedics. The Clough Center’s gross revenue was essentially on budget with the help of larger-than-expected Nursing Home Quality Assessment revenue and Medicaid surplus funds from the State …show more content…

Professional Fees were $86k over budget, primarily in Orthopedics, but that expense was offset by higher surgical and Practices revenue in that area. Purchased Services exceeded budget by a total of $138k , driven primarily by the continued need for travelers/temporary help in clinical areas as well as IT costs related to the electronic medical record and meaningful use. The depreciation variance to budget relates to the market valuation adjustment done as part of the DH affiliation ($55k for the month and $448k

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