
Assignment 1: Database Analysis

Decent Essays

\paragraph{Disclosure of Confidential Data}
\paragraph{Solution 1}
System level configuration files should only be accessible to authorized administrators \parencite{gonzalez2012quantitative}.
\paragraph{Solution 2}
Confidential database tables with personal user information should be hashed or inaccessible to developers have no tasks that directly involves those confidential tables \parencite{gonzalez2012quantitative}.
\paragraph{Solution 3}
To avoid the disclosure of confidential data, Probe Inc. place its servers with critical information in a secured server room that is only accessible to limited authorized users. Developers should be able to access project files and database in the Amazon EC2, however, it should be restricted. This …show more content…

Network Threats}
\paragraph{Information Gathering}
\paragraph{Solution 1}
One of the countermeasures to this type of network threat is by using generic service banners that do not expose configuration information or software version are also a feasible solution \parencite{gonzalez2012quantitative}.
\paragraph{Solution 2}
Routers should be configured properly in order to restrict their response the request that aims to gather their foot print \parencite{gonzalez2012quantitative}.

\paragraph{Solution 3}
The workstations and server operating systems should disable the protocols and ports that are not in used \parencite{gonzalez2012quantitative}. This can be considered as the best solution since solution 2 relies on the correct configuration and solution 1 does not guarantee that the attacker is denied from perpetrating the system.

\paragraph{Session Hijacking}

\paragraph{Solution 1}
This threat can be mitigated by implementing encryption on the session negotiation \parencite{gonzalez2012quantitative}.
\paragraph{Solution 2}
Network administrators of Probe Inc. should constantly update platform patches to resolve TCP/IP vulnerabilities \parencite{gonzalez2012quantitative}.
\paragraph{Solution …show more content…

are elaborated on this report. There are several existing tools and clouds services that aids web development, making it diverse and dynamically changing. It is also inevitable that new security threats and system vulnerabilities are discovered. Issues with vendor lock-in, continuous integration, connectivity, network protocols, virtualisation, and loss of service can potentially damage the ICT infrastructure of Probe Inc. without applying proper mitigation techniques. In addition, cyber attacks can occur in the data center, corporate network of Probe Inc., and even in their internet service providers. One of the prominent solutions to address security related issues is for Probe Inc. to keep their platform software up-to-date to ease its vulnerabilities. Another one is to make sure that Probe Inc. utilize encrypted network protocols such as SSL. On the other hand, a straightforward solutions for non-security related issues is carefully choosing the proper cloud service provider that employs technologies that solve existing network protocol problems as well as virtualisation. In addition, Probe Inc. should also give focus on the SLA with their cloud provider to ensure the service they are using from the

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