This report will cover the aspects of being an administrative assistant. It will include information such as the education that may be required to work in this field. I will talk about the possible salaries that can be expected. Duties and responsibilities will also be included. Career opportunities will be brought up as well. An administrative assistant can also be referred to as a receptionist, a secretary, a customer service representative, and also an executive secretary. The role of the administrative professional can be very rewarding and a very busy profession to be in. I hope that you will enjoy this report.
Key Things to Remember
When you begin your new career, always remember to conduct yourself in the most professional manner. Keep in mind that you represent your boss as well as the company that you work for. Learning how to deal with stress is important. Some people can thrive on high stress situations and get things accomplished while others don’t deal well with stress.
Learning how to control your stress level can be effective and make things run a lot smoother. Time management is another area where you can benefit if you are good at it. There are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to time management. For example, when you are creating documents for work, make a template. That way you can use it again. Don’t try to do more than you know you are capable of doing. This will make it look like you are not doing your job. Make lists of
I have chosen to research two career paths as an administrative assistant and a health unit coordinator. After concluding my research I’ve decided to focus more on a career as an administrative assistant position over a health unit coordinator position. In search of the different career paths I uncovered that an administrative assistant career has better stability, such as salary, scheduling, and a similar but a lighter work load than a health unit coordinator. Although there is also a difference in career ladder opportunities between both career paths. After obtaining research I’ve decided a career as an administrative assistant rather than a career as a health unit coordinator will be a better career path for me.
I am most interested in working for the Dr. Peter AIDS foundation as an administrative assistant. I am interested in obtaining a full time and permanent position, where I can use my strong communication and organization skills. I would also love to work for an organization that fits well with my interests and with my love for helping others. I believe the AIDS foundation would be a good fit.
The career I chose, is an Administrative Services Manager. This career involves a person who plans, directs or coordinates an organization’s support services. Such as recordkeeping, mail distribution, telephone and reception staff along with other office support services. I may also be in charge of overseeing the facilities, the planning and maintenance and custodial operations. This career is part of the business management administration. I plan to achieve this goal, in about 5-10 years, After I get my bachelor’s degree. I plan to live in Georgia or North Carolina, have a nice sized house, be married and have few children when I am financially stable enough to support a family. I have chosen this job because it has everything that I want
We need to touch on these tasks. All family practice has Comprehensive Primary Care Plus – CPC + (Boreman).
Job Purpose: The administrative assistant performs executive secretarial roles, administrative support, and assists in the management of day-to-day activities. Administrative assistant manages work calendar, schedules meetings and conferences and other duties applicable for executives.
An administrative assistant has many responsibilities in the medical field – they must handle patients, answer phones, complete and file paperwork, assist their physicians, as well as additional tasks that must be adequately balanced during their shifts. The financial aspect of administrative work is one of the fundamental elements of the office environment; there are many standards that should be adhered to in order to maintain a functional and organized work space – keeping accurate records is perhaps the most important. History records provide the physician everything they need to know about a patient, from basic information to detailed medical history that then allows them to administer the best possible care for the client – billing is
My key objective within a year after graduation from California State University, Long Beach is to ascend into a supervisor position after gaining now four years of experience within an administrative assistant role. In three to five years I see myself as a supervisor within our Neuroscience Department is gaining experience on how to manage daily functions, absorb knowledge from upper level executives, and become involved within my local ACHE chapter in Orange County. If I were to create a projection of where I see myself in the time frame of just under ten years, I would hypothesize that I would at have made my way into an executive administrator role either within my department or if opportunity arouse outside my department or hospital. I’d have several various departments that I’d be responsible for operations around as well as several departmental supervisors as my direct reports. I’d be beginning a fellowship with the American College of Healthcare Executives and volunteering one to two days a week for training
I chose discussion question one to discuss, because I consider this is relevant in current society. What does an administrative assistant looks like? In my opinion, it depends on the type of industry an administrative assistant is in. In my career, a downtown business setting an administrative assistant must dress professionally; wearing suits or appropriate business dresses, no visual tattoos, piercings, hair and make-up must be conservative. In a warehouse or factory setting an administrative assistant may wear jeans and a polo shirt; a new tech company may have a creative and relaxed dress code.
A job as an administrative assistant requires you to organize someone’s day by coordinating their appointments, taking messages, and sending emails on their behalf. You will be spending a lot of time in front of a computer screen. Your job is to ensure that the business meets its goals
For this scenario, the one job opportunity we will use is Administrative assistant. Administrative Assistant is a broad job category that designates an individual who provides various kinds of administrative support to people and groups in business enterprises
I have been an Administrative Assistant for over 30 years, since I graduated with an Associates in Secretarial Science – this was a blessings to be hired in my field of study. However, when I relocated to Florida it took me an entire year to be hired as an Administrative Assistant and though it took such a long time, it was worth the wait. I went straight to being the assistant to the second in charge of the company. However, after two satisfying years of service there, I was let go, and though I did not understand the reason, I did not question God. You see, I knew that if God allowed this to happen, then I though He must have something better in mind for me. Fortunately for me, during the year I was waiting to be employed, I took a course and was successful in receiving a license to be a Certified Nurse Assistant. That
I am aware of the significant role the Executive Administrative Assistant plays and based on my skills and expertise I am confident that I can contribute effectively to your organization. My education and first-hand experience in the office support arena will be an asset to your team.
An Administrative Assistant that may work in an educative environment (school) will basically deal with handling special administrative tasks, student and parent responsibilities or duties, as well as dealing with computerized tasks.
Administrative assistants must be able to handle challenging situations and many details at once. The assistants are what keeps an office running while supporting the efforts of a business owner executive, manager, or professional group. Their main responsibility is to keep their place of employment running smoothly, thus all of their duties relate back to the operational proceedings of an office. These duties may include scheduling meetings, answering phones, managing databases, disseminating information (through email and internal memos), creating spreadsheets, generating reports, ordering equipment, and working with clients or customers. People who demonstrate these skills in this field can advance to higher
Time management is a major way to reduce stress. If you can keep a schedule of the things you need to do and when you have to do them, this can open time for yourself. Try to focus on the important task and then do the little things. (3.) Many stress experts suggest that you begin your fight against stress by defining your values. (4.) Don’t think that everything has to be perfect. If you are a perfectionist you fuel a variety of stress-producing qualities. (4.)