
Asir Sinafe's Genetic Code

Decent Essays


Asir Sinafe sat at his desk, looking over the reports of the new universe system his people, the Veltreni, had discovered. This new system had plenty of planets to evaluate for the next Culmination.

The Veltreni were the perfect civilization. They had spent their entire existence terraforming prime planets to plant their genetic code, expanding their lineage. Their genetic code always evolved differently on each planet, given to the planet’s conditions. The Veltreni carefully watched over each planet, making sure their genetic code evolved properly. Once the new civilization on the planet evolved to a certain point, the Veltreni would take best specimens to live as part of them.

Asir had been doing this purpose for as long as he could …show more content…

Asir poured over the reports his second in command, Zilva Aleanrahel, had served him.

“Too many of these planets would need extensive terraforming,” Asir began. “The planets have extreme weather or temperatures or toxic rains. I’m not sure if the trouble would be worth it.”

“There are a few planets that have life on them already. We could plant our genetic code there. We’ve done it before,” Zilva said.

Zilva was correct about that. Asir pulled out the reports of the planets labeled 1E24B, 2M59A, and 3P16C.

1E24B and 2M59A seemed the most promising, with both having water, stable climate, and life forms. Planet 3P16C would need terraforming to adjust the extreme cold climate but there was definitely potential there.

“Which do you think would be the most logical choice, Zilva?” Asir asked as he transferred the reports to the screens in front of him for Zilva to mull over.

After a few moments, she pointed. “Planet 2M59A. It has water, stable climates, and the life forms are in their infancy. Our genetic code would have the best chance for …show more content…

“Would it be possible for us to stop it?” Asir asked.

Zilva shook her head. “We could but there are other large meteors in the area. The impact of our firing could fling those rocks to the planet as well.”

“Calculate time to impact and all possible devastation scenarios. The hit could easily render that planet useless and I don’t want to waste my time if that is the case.”

Zilva immediately left without saying a single word.

She headed down the corridor to the observation room where a team was surveying the new universe as well as the other universes they had already culminated. There were always small new teams, usually consisted of 3-5 beings, being assigned planets to monitor.

Zilva knew she had to be quick and efficient with her task as any time, the meteor could destroy a very viable planet.

Zilva sharply turned another corner which immediately lead to the observation room. Upon entering, she noticed the team assigned to 1E24B were already calculating the meteor.

“What is the most likely outcome of 1E24B?”

“The meteor will hit land mass. It will cause a planet wide extinction. Nearly all of the current life forms will not survive.”

“But some

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