
Asian American History Month

Decent Essays

America has coined the idea of being know as a melting pot of all races and ethnicities. Therefore, the question of white being the same as American has a more complex answer than just yes or no. Being merely white in skin color dos not correlate to an American status. Sonia Shah encountered a similar problem when she was asked to write about Asian American History Month. “… the term ‘Asian American’ itself it problematic. Most of the people whom others would categorize as ‘Asian American’ most emphatically don’t think of themselves that way” Shah explains (RGG 245). Therefore, categorizing white people as “White American” is neglecting their origin and culture, the same thing as Shah noted about Asian Americans. American, by definition from the Webster dictionary, is a native or citizen …show more content…

Not once is culture, religion or skin color mentioned in that definition yet, this idea of a “true American” is associated with being “white” or assimilating to the “white culture”. Our country is unique

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