
As I Lay Dying Summary

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In the book As I Lay Dying by William Falkner. The mother, Addie, is dying and she wants to make sure her dying request is fulfilled. She wants to be buried with her family in a nearby town called Jefferson. She also want her coffin to be well built so Cash, her son, builds the coffin right outside her window. When she dies the family starts their expedition to bury her. Along the way they run into a few things that stop them for a while, but they do make it to bury her but come back with a little more than expected. Cash Bundren is the most noble out of the Bundren family. He shows Addie in him by showing her strength through him. He cares deeply for his mother, but he is so focused on building the coffin and making sure that it is perfect he doesn't realize that there is a family crisis going on …show more content…

He is a great carpenter and cares about what his work looks like. He cares for his tools like they are his children, even after a long day of work he finds the time to clean and put his tools away.When his mother is dying he has to build her coffin; he does this right outside her window. He makes that the coffin was built with care and it had to be the best. When they very first start to leave Cash puts his toolbox underneath the bench of the wagon; he puts his arm between them and braces his toolbox. When they were on the way to bury Anse they had to cross a river to get to Jefferson, but when they get there the river is overflowed, so instead of waiting for the water level to go down they decide to push through but, their wagon gets hit by a log in the river and Cash falls off and breaks his leg. As they crash his tools get lost in the river and Vernon and Jewel go into the river to recover his

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