
As I Lay Dying Reader Response Questions

Decent Essays

Reader Response Questions for Sections 15-38
In this section, you will watch the family as they begin their journey toward Jefferson. Pay special attention to the Bundren's behavior at Samson's and to their attempt to cross the flood-swollen river.
1. What ironies do you find in these scenes? (Include at least 4 examples of irony) In sections 15-38 of As I Lay Dying, the Bundren family begins their journey to fulfill Addie’s wish of being buried in Jefferson. Along the way, there are many examples of irony. The first example is in section 15, which is narrated by Tull. It reads, “And the next morning they found him in his shirt tail, laying asleep on the floor like a felled steer, and the top of the box bored clean full of holes and Cash's …show more content…

When they taken the lid off they found that two of them had bored on into her face.” It is ironic that Vardaman drilled the holes into his dead mother’s coffin in order for her to have air to breathe and ended up drilling them into her face. Another example of irony can be found in section 28. In this section, Anse complains that hardworking people like himself never get any breaks in life. He says, “Nowhere in this sinful world can a honest, hardworking man profit.” This is ironic because Anse is not hardworking and is usually known for being lazy. Samson makes note of this in section 29 by saying,“I notice how it takes a lazy man, a man that hates moving, to get set on moving once he does get started off, the same as he was set on staying still, like it aint the moving he hates so much as the starting and the stopping.” The third example of Irony is in section 24. The family is preparing for their journey, but Cash and Dewey Dell have purposes other than attending Addie’s funeral. Cash brings his toolbox for work at the Tull’s and Dewey Dell brings a “cake,” which she plans on selling for Cora. Anse finds this …show more content…

In what ways do these comments agree? disagree? In section 45, the family arrives in Mottson. One instance in which the family members’ comments upon their own situation and outside observers’ comments disagree is when Dewey Dell goes to the drugstore and asks Moseley to give her something to abort her baby. Lafe has given her $10 dollars to do so and this is okay with her. But to Moseley, this makes Lafe a coward. He says, “And I just wish your precious Lafe had come for it himself; that's what I wish. I dont know: I'd have had a little respect for him then.” Dewey Dell does not understand and repeatedly tells him that she thought she could get something at the drugstore. To this he replies, "You get that notion out of your head. The Lord gave you what you have, even if He did use the devil to do it; you let Him take it away from you if it's His will to do so. You go on back to Lafe and you and him take that ten dollars and get married with it." Another instance in which the family members’ comments upon their own situation and the outside obervers’ comments disagree is when one of the boys is buying cement for Cash’s broken leg. The marshal disagrees with this, thinking that the cement will not help but kill Cash. He says, "You'll cause him to lose his leg. You take him on to a doctor, and you get this thing buried soon as you can. Dont you know you're liable to jail for endangering the public health?" All of this goes past the father as he says, "We're doing the best

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