

Decent Essays

Arturo was a jazz musician in Cuba that was classically trained and played excellent music. The only problem was he didn’t have any artistic freedom with what music he could play, the Cuba government controlled everything the citizens did. Arturo contemplated leaving but soon he meets the love of his life Marianela. Torn between leaving the country and settling with Marianela he choses to settle with Marianela but instead of escaping the country himself he wants Marianela and the family he made with her to leave as well. Through the movie the lesson is shown on how hard it really is to try and to escape the country. I think what made this movie the most believable was the fact that the main characters were in a constant state of fear. Especially …show more content…

I agree with this, particularly because it’s relevant during this time of trump trying ban refugees. It’s very wrong and immoral to marginalize a huge group of people, and this movie really illustrates that. It doesn’t matter if you’re a musician, or someone with talent, if you are alive struggling in your country you should be able to leave that country and seek a safe refuge. Arturo may have been someone with talent and Marianela may have had a little talent, but their talents don't over shine the fact that these people are trying to escape. I think this movie helps people who don’t care about refugees to start caring, but for people like me who already cares about refugees, it justifies the fact that it wasn’t just Arturo and his family struggling it was all of Cuba. This can be true for any country with citizens wanting to seek a safe haven. Arturo had the privilege of being musically talented to be able to leave the country, but many people didn’t have that privilege. One thing I didn’t understand about the film and what I didn’t like was they had a weird way of showing time differences. First we see Marianelas boy as a little kid then 30 minutes later when Arturo is playing the trumpet in the middle of the night he is seen as a teenager. I know in movies it’s limited how to show time but to simply just put a year during when Arturo would tell a different part of the

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