
Artificial Technology Vs Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial intelligence, or more commonly known as robots, are said to soon be the foundations of the ‘new world’. Progressing from the famous SIRI to smart cars, this man made machine is able to automatically, unconsciously and rapidly replicate human functions, and its development is well on its way to reshaping the world as we know it. One of the inventors of Siri voice, Gruber, has enlightened us on his beliefs that using artificial intelligence to maintain and support a new lifestyle is ‘inevitable’ as well as a comical idea to some. To imagine a world of artificiality with a lack of independence is concerning, yet we are oblivious to the fact that todays standards are all but too close to such a thought. Utilising a blend of PC upgraded technology crafted by human learning, we can catch the human mind and its reasoning procedures - behaving in a rational and intellectual manner, with the ability to interpret the environment in any given situation. We can reproduce comparable movements in a desirable way with endless capacity. But here raises the issue as to whether man-made artificial intelligence may one day surpass human intelligence. Researchers intentions are that of creating artificial intelligence able to outperform humans at nearly every cognitive task, yet keeping the affect on society advantageous in a reasonable limited configuration. Research has been conducted to conclude a definite to any advancement, including the progression of google in its works

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