
Articles Of Confederation Dbq Essay

Decent Essays

After the American Revolution, states from the thirteen colonies came together to modify the Articles of Confederation. In this meeting, the authors of the Constitution rewrote the Articles of Confederation creating the Constitution, and a new government which altered the United States forever. The Articles needed to be revised to the Constitution because they were weak.

The people who wrote the Articles of Confederation knew that they were weak. They did this on purpose because they didn't want to risk having a strong government, which would turn into a monarchy. If they had a powerful government that failed, it would destroy what they worked so hard on in the American Revolution. According to document 1, the Articles had no power to collect taxes, to enforce treaties, to raise up arms, no nation court system, …show more content…

Finally, in 1787, many states gathered in Philadelphia to fix the Articles of Confederation. This meeting turned into the replacement of the Articles to the Constitution. Document 2 explains how the Constitution guarantees an independent and strong leader, a Supreme Court, a powerful congress, and valuable money which the Articles didn't have. Now, the Constitution only had to be ratified. This was a problem because anti-federalist, who didn't believe in the Constitution, wanted the Articles of Confederation to stay in place. This complication was fixed when the Bill of Rights was added into the Constitution as the first ten Amendments. As stated in Document 3, people, including federalists and antifederalists, felt more safe when the Bill of Rights were added and ratified into the Constitution because there was no way of bending or changing the Bill of Rights. A strong part of the Constitution was that it promised that it could never become a monarchy or government where one individual ruled everyone. This was possible by checks and

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