
Article Summary: Article Analysis

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Undesirable Impacts Will the state fulfill the desires of the community like it promises? Many Denver residents of the article Colorado Aims to Expand a Main Artery, but beleaguered Neighbors Balk do not think so; nor the author Julie Hurwitz. Despite the expansion helping with the flow of traffic, it is causing many negative impacts on the current residents. It is the city’s most controversial topic. The authors purpose is to share the good intent of the expansion but explain how it has such a negative impact on the residents. Residents are being forced to move from their long-time homes. Also, these same residents have been getting sick from the last expansion. Many of the children have been robbed on their childhoods due to them getting asthma. Residents are unable to work as long due to disease being caused. Julie's intent is clear stating the many negative impacts created by the expansion although the state is just trying to help surrounding cities. The tone of the article is formal with many negative connotations. The author speaks in third person throughout the article. Not only is the …show more content…

She explains how the residents are disgruntled about the expansion. Not only do they feel this way, but they believe this expansion is also weakening their health. In the very last sentence of the article, Kyle Shelton states how this could be good, but has clear disbelieve the residents will get any benefit from it. Even the professionals who study these things see the state has good intent, but do not believe they will follow through with the desires of the community. Julie states the facts about children's asthma increasing at rates of about forty percent and other residents dying of heart disease at a rate thirteen percent higher than any other area of the city. These facts only strengthen her argument. The author uses both facts and opinion of residents and professionals to prove the point she is trying to

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