
Article Review : Aggregate Exchange Level Demographic Data Essay

Better Essays

Wendy Arnold
STT 221W
01 Nov 2016
Project: Article Review

Aggregate Exchange-Level Demographic Data Can Be Used To Adjust for
Non-Resolvability In Telephone Surveys

Williams, Stephen, and Ronghua Cathy Lu. "Using Telephone Exchange-Level Data To Adjust For Non-Response: Application In An Establishment Survey.” ASA Section on Survey Research Methods, pp. 3847-3854, Published by American Statistical Association. Accessed 01 Nov. 2016.

Traditional procedures for conducting telephone surveys are challenged in today’s world by the popular use of call-blocking and screening services. Problems arise in determining if a telephone number is linked to a sample unit eligible for participation and also in completing interviews with participants. Researchers seek to revise survey methods and find ways to adjust for non-response and the increasing rate of unknown eligibility in telephone surveys. In “Using Telephone Exchange-Level Data to Adjust For Non-Response: Application in An Establishment Survey,” Williams and Lu suggested using household demographic summary information at the telephone exchange level to decrease non-response bias and increase accuracy in establishment survey results (Williams and Lu 3847).

Purpose of the study
The purpose of this study was to reduce bias in the results of a telephone survey of post-secondary education establishments by finding solutions to the

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