
Arthur Miller 's Death Of A Salesman And The Crucible

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Since the beginning of the human race, struggles and conflicts have been a constant. As individual people and as a world, there have never been perfect times. Arthur Miller’s writing style focuses on how his characters deal with external and internal problems and how their reactions to these problems reflect their characterization. Arthur Miller uses external conflict, internal conflict, and indirect characterization, in Death of a Salesman and The Crucible, to show how ideas of society do not always agree with the ideas and beliefs of others which can lead to a fatal action. There are three major external struggles brought forth in Miller’s novel The Crucible: man versus nature, man versus man, and man versus society. In Salem, Massachusetts 1692, the puritan society defines witchcraft as “dealing with the devil” (“Salem Witch Trials” 1) and if a man, woman, or child is found guilty without confession they are sentenced to death. When the chaos of man versus man is initiated, witchcraft begins in the town. Families begin to break apart and the whole town turns against each other. Man versus society occurs when the courts get involved which is caused by the man versus man conflicts. After the protagonist Abigail Williams has an affair with an out-of-town farmer John Proctor, Elizabeth’s husband, she starts the witch rituals in the forest with other girls by pleading to the devil to kill those they despise. Abigail spoke the truth to Reverend Parris who caught the girls

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