
Art Spiegelman's Maus

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In Art Spiegelman’s Maus: A Survivor’s Tale Volume One and Two, depicts the horrors of the Holocaust and the impacts that it had on the people affected. Spiegelman is able to do this so differently than the people before him, taking his father’s personal story and turning it into a graphic novel. This is a different and interesting way to depict this historic time adding that much more to the story. Spiegelman is able to pair the story with visuals to add to the telling of his father’s trauma in World War Two. This way Spiegelman is able to creatively depict history using different symbols to explain different aspects of the Holocaust, as well as explain the groups with the different animals he is using to depict them. Spiegelman started this …show more content…

Although, he is able to effectively show how the people handled the repercussions of the Holocaust later in their life, mainly Spiegelman’s father Vladek. In the very short glimpse of his life before the war it is shown that Vladek is not stingy or cheap. Then after the war it is evident that in direct correlation to surviving the Holocaust has made him very aware of money as well as food intake and waste. He continuously makes sure to be healthy, while this may in part be due to his heart attacks. It also relates back to the holocaust and not being able to take proper care of oneself because of the conditions provided. Vladek is also very aware of throwing food away, this comes up many times in the books, but it is especially predominated when he takes groceries back to the store even though they are opened. This is in direct relation to starving for so long during the Holocaust. There is also a time where Spiegelman makes a comment about how his father moans in his sleep and has his whole life, showing that the horrors of the war still haunt Vladek. Spiegelman is not only explaining what happened to his father during World War Two, but he is also showing that there was repercussion to the terrible things that he had to …show more content…

Which is very different and would have been very hard to do if the story would have been written in any other medium. A graphic novel is something that takes time to get used to reading and learning how to follow the story. For some it might become difficult to focus both on the words and pictures. Although having both words and pictures might be preferred by others. This all comes down to personal preference. The graphic novel is different and therefore more interesting. There are many Holocaust survivor stories which are all different, but this one stands out that much more because it utilizes a different medium. With a story of the Holocaust the pictures are very helpful to visualize what is happening and where people are at. Utilization of maps and diagrams were things that were really helpful to understand the story which would not have been there in a regular book. Also because it is a graphic novel it makes it so much easier to follow the shifts between his father’s time in World War II, Spiegelman’s time with his father, and after his father’s death. He achieves this by drawing characters different ways. When talking about Vladek in the war he is pictured as a young man. When Spiegelman is with his father talking about the book he pictures Vladek as an old man with glasses making a distinction between the two time periods. Lastly, when

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