
Art In Public Schools

Decent Essays

The Arts in Public Schools
When schools trim their budgets should the arts lose their place? Art education can benefit students in different ways such as improving student performance across the whole curriculum. So, why are art programs in schools often first to be dropped due to budget cuts? Art is often viewed as unimportant. People don’t think it is necessary to include art in the public school system. Chicago Public Schools dealt a blow to art education when it laid off over 1,000 teachers and closed over 50 schools. Nearly 10 percent of teachers were let go, taught either art or music. Among the most affected area was art education. Chicago isn’t alone. Schools across the country have faced budget shortfalls. A common cost-cutting …show more content…

Testing and academics such as math and science are viewed as more important. The arts have many benefits to help people develop. It enables students to get a different view and approach things differently. An art classroom is a great place for children to learn a number of skills which will benefit them greatly in their later lives. Students learn how to tap into their creative side and make something without judging the outcome before it happens. They learn the satisfaction of completing a job and taking the initiative to finish the project. This is a huge benefit in today's world, the work ethic that many people lack. Students learn the important skills of learning to critique projects. They can analyze something they are presented with and through that, they will learn how to look at the good and bad aspects of any work. This teaches the important skills of analysis which will come into play for the rest of their lives. Art can bring all these skills to students and these are important cognitive skills for success in one's entire life. Studies show it helps with brain development. Which is why …show more content…

Supporters argue that art classes teach the very qualities that educators believe can reinvigorate American schools: analytical thinking, teamwork, motivation, and self-discipline. “Art education improves overall academic performance of students, including the common core academic subjects. Students who took four years of art classes scored 91 points higher on their SAT exams than those who took half a year or less.” The report conducted by the Center for Arts Education noted that schools with a solid arts program had higher graduation rates. The report analyzed data collected by New York City Education Department from more than 200 schools over two years, reported that schools ranked in the top third by graduation rates offered students the most access to arts education and resources. While schools in the bottom third offered the least access and fewest resources. Schools in the top third typically hired forty percent more certified arts teachers and offered forty percent more classrooms dedicated to course work in the arts than bottom-ranked schools. The full report is at California State University study found a link between art and literacy. “The people who were art majors had the highest reading scores.” An art major can ask provocative questions, can challenge their own beliefs, point of view, engage in intellectual discussions, generate hypotheses, familiar with discipline's vocabulary,

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