
Art Critique : ' The Painting Of The Mia Will Be Portrait Of Catherine Coustard '

Decent Essays

Karina Silverstein
Philosophy of Art
Art Critique

The paintings that I will be talking about from the MIA will be Portrait of Catherine Coustard (1673-1728), by Nicolas de Largilliere, Diogenes (17th century), by Johann Carl Loth, LES FLANEUSES (2008) by Ghada Amer, and Portrait of Lucia Wijbrants (1638-1719), by Gabriel Metsu. My critique will be from the perspective of Berger. when captions are added to a painting, it impacts the viewer and changes the meaning of the painting itself.

LES FLANEUSES (2008) by Ghada Amer, this piece of art actually exemplifies a huge movement of feminism and feminist art that promotes equality between men and women in the workplace, at home, and in society in general. A “flantur” is a French …show more content…

In the traditional European oil painting, the nude, the principal protagonist (the painter) is never painted, but what does gets painted is a result of what appeals to him sexually. A woman’s body hair and fat dimples are never painted, since it is not sexually appealing to the painter. When a woman is depicted with her lover, her attention is rarely painted as directed towards the male lover if one is present instead it is directed toward the spectator—the painter. Most Renaissance European oil paintings with sexual imagery are frontal, literally or metaphorically. Of course there are exceptions, let’s not dwell. The oil-paintings of this era feature stark nakedness. I chose the paintings that I did of the women that were clothed on purpose, they are still supplying a demand and these women still have makeup on their faces and are wearing very nice clothing which is appealing. Neither one of the paintings of the women have anything unappealing of their face i.e. pimples, warts, unibrows or a mustache. However in the painting of Diogenes he is depicted half naked and you can see his nipple and very defined muscles. Could one say that this artist was interested in men? As “attractive” attributes are depicted? Could I Berger declare that this is a hack work on the men?
As a conclusion, my take on

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