
Arrupe Student Interview Report

Decent Essays

Fate whispers to the warrior, “you cannot withstand the storm” and the warrior whispers back “I am the storm”(anonymous). I am the warrior facing through challenges like everyone in life, but why give up when situations seem like a huge storm when you can take control. College is a huge step after high school and will determine your two years or four years of your lifetime, so the hardest choice is to make a decision on where are you going to college. I had was not well inform about college all I wanted to do was to graduate high school and get a job, but my mind got more informed and my decisions started to change first it was Robert Morris because of the sports they had,then it was Northeastern Illinois University because of their campus,but …show more content…

That day I had an interview with Fr. Eric Immel, S.J. and Ms.Inzano, I told them why I wanted to become a Arrupe student and how did my major helped my community and I described myself. Furthermore, on Wednesday 20,2016 I went to my financial Aid meeting with my mother and Ms.Reyes, admission counselor, we went through my financial award letter and saw that my estimate direct expense was going to be $12,328 but based on my grants such as: Federal Pell Grant,Federal SEOG for fall and spring and state of IL map Grant for fall and spring they all added up to $11,591 and Ms. Reyes subtracted that by $12,328 and the out of pocket that I would have to pay would be $737 and what is even better is that I could pay this a annual installment plan which is a budget charge for a annual plan or a full academic year, can be spread out into 9 to 12 months of 95$. Ms.Reyes also explain that the book could cost 500-600$ but they could be rented from the library or bought at the bookstore, depending on the class and they are working to let students download the books to their electronics but then again depends on the

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