
Arnolfo's Accomplishments

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Arnolfo di Cambio was an Italian sculptor and architect born in Colle di Val d’Elso, Italy, around 1245 AD. There is not much known about the life of Arnolfo di Cambio other than his incredible accomplishments. However, what is known is that Arnolfo is that he worked as a chief assiatant ot an artist named Nicola Pisano when he was in his twenties. He worked for King Charles I of Anjou as an architect in his thirties, and in his fifties he moved to Florence and began work on his most important works. Florence became a great attraction because of the works of Arnolfo. In fact, the City of Florence was made famous by the works of Arnolfo. He worked on so much that makes Florence that makes Florence the City that it was and still is. He contributed to …show more content…

In the 1500s, the Medici moved their entire residence to the Palazzo Vecchio and established the centralization of power of the Palace. It had been the town hall of Florence ever since the people wanted to make a new seat of power in Florence. It overlooks the Piazza della Signoria and it holds a copy of Michelangelo’s David in a symbol of the city. There are also a plethora of statues surrounding the building that represent what the city is. The first stone of the building was set in 1299 and was not finished for nearly thirty years later. The bell tower is the most notable part of the palace. The tower is a little more than 300 feet tall, which, at that time, was a very impressive height. It was named for the architect who designed it: Torre d’Arnolfo. The three bells in the bell tower are almost as old as the tower itself. In fact, the original bell is still inside the tower ringing for town hall meetings and impending danger. A couple of notable fun facts: First, The Palazzo Vecchio held the prisoner Savonarola before his execution. In 1497, Savonarola was excommunicated by the Pope and was sentenced to death. He was held inside the Palace so that he could be executed in the most

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