
Armentrout's Quotes

Decent Essays

Jennifer L. Armentrout once said, “Some things are best left… unknown.” Armentrout’s words perfectly illustrate Thomas Gray’s poem, “Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College” In Thomas Gray’s poem, he writes, “Where ignorance is bliss/ tis folly to be wise.” This quote translates to if one doesn’t know or fathom a certain topic, one doesn’t worry about it. The words of Thomas Gray apply to the character changes found in the novel, The House of The Scorpion by Nancy Farmer. In the book, The House of the Scorpion, Matteo Alacran is a clone who is isolated from the rest of the world. Although he is a clone, Matt believes he is a human because he doesn’t know what clones are. In his isolation, he craves for human contact. When Steven, Emilia,

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