
Arlington County Giftedness

Decent Essays

Arlington County does an excellent job adhering to most of Moon’s 9 points:
1. The definition for Arlington County goes with what the state and federal government adheres to and bases its assessments on the most current possible manner. They recognize the diversity by putting the information in all different languages. In addition,
“The Office of Gifted Services reflects this philosophy and complies with Virginia Regulations Governing Educational Services for Gifted Students based on the following concepts:
a. Giftedness is developmental; it is potential which must be nourished.
b. Gifted students share some characteristics with all other children.
c. There is variability among the gifted.”

2. Arlington county Public Schools test everyone for giftedness and they can be identified any year. The normal process is done at the beginning of the school year, but …show more content…

They use the most up-to-date information with SOL tests, AP/IB Tests (for upper levels), DRP, Math pre-assessment (lower levels) and county assessments as they become available. There is even more detailed information about the testing at (

This was eye opening to me since it details every test and the year to be given. I had no idea that all of this information was out there. I did find it interesting that they did not give any cut off scores. I am assuming it is due to the fact of the validation of the test.

3. I know for a fact that the SOLs which is one of the standardized assessments that Arlington County looks at for gifted education, is validated and normed every year. In Earth Science there is a different cut off score to pass/pass-advanced every year depending upon the test. Also, because there are so many different versions of the tests the scores (which are computerized) do not come back instantaneously until enough students in the state have taken that

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