Guessing the Bounce Plate Affect
The goal behind this experiment was to estimate the distance a ball would travel after it falls a certain distance and bounces off a metal plate which has an angle of 45 degrees. To find this we had to take the basic equations for kinematics which are (1/2)at2=x and v=v0+at and combine them to make an equation that will help us solve for the distance the ball will travel after hitting the bounce plate. The equation came out to be R=g*(sqrt(2)/sqrt(g))*(sqrt(H)*sqrt(h)), as that g is acceleration of gravity, h is the height of bounce plate, and H is the height of where the ball will be dropped. After completing this experiment the result was that the standard deviation was +/- 2.3 cmfrom the
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|X(3) |18.7 |27.2 |24.2 |13.8 |
|X(4) |19.5 |25 |27.9 |13.1 |
|X(5) |15 |26.4 |22.8 |13.3 |
|X(6) |20.3 |28.7 |24.6 |10 |
|X(7) |23.5 |28.7 |24.6 |17.2 |
|X(8) |16.7 |23.6 |26.6 |13.9 |
|X(9) |16.2 |25.8 |23.2 |15.6 |
|X(10) |19.2 |25.5 |24.5 |17.2 |
|X(11) |21.5 |29 |26.4 |15.1 |
|X(12) |18.7 |28 |26.5 |14.3 |
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Before starting this project, we were familiar with graphing parabolas as well as examining distance and height due to a class activity and desmos practice we did prior to this. The class activity helped us understand parabolas by giving us a real life example. Then, moving onto desmos, we used our knowledge to graph out the parabolas with equations that were given. We used this to start our project so we could have an idea of how to graph our equation and where on the court(graph) we could triumphantly make the shot. We began by plugging in our equation to desmos by changing the a-value to -0.25 so it would resemble our equation. Doing this, the shape of the graph was not affected because Mr. Albert had the same equation as we did. Therefore, the shot was not affected, only when we changed the k and h values.
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