District 230 should not mandate a school uniform policy because of the following: school uniforms go against our rights, raise questions of equality, and they rely on anti-democratic principles. (MP1)To start, school uniforms go against rights in the first amendment like: freedom of religion, and freedom of speech. (EV)Robson states in his Viewpoint, ¨Symbols or words on clothes are most likely to clear the speech hurdle; they will then be evaluated against the “disruption” standard articulated by the Supreme Court in the watershed case Tinker vs. Des Moines Independent Community School District. Tinker involved students wearing black armbands to protest the war in Vietnam. Borrowing from civil rights cases, the court decided for the protesters: …show more content…
(CO)Likewise, If district d230 decided to make uniforms required, then history may repeat itself, and our speech rights may be censored as students due to the uniform dress code. (MP2)Furthermore, I disagree the d230 uniform policy because they raise questions of equality. (EV)Robson also states in his Viewpoint, ¨School dress codes also raise questions of equality. Gender-specific guidelines for hair, jewelry and cosmetics are being tested, especially by transgender students. Bans on saggy pants or Afro puffs are applied to all students but can be seen as racially biased. Outlawing sweat pants or frayed garments might well have a disproportionate effect, depending on a family’s economic status, although this argument would be more persuasive to a school board making policy than to a court applying constitutional doctrine¨ (Robson). (AN)Schools are putting gender specific guidelines on things like hair, jewelry, and cosmetics. Schools are also putting bans on things like afros, and saggy pants, which can be seen as racial discrimination. (CO)If district d230 decided to mandate uniforms, then some students feel feel
As a society we value the individual choices that we are able to decide upon in our everyday life. School uniforms have a negative effect on students, due to the lack of individuality and self-image that they are able to express. Therefore passing student policies requiring school uniforms is misleading as it creates more issues than it solves. Students should feel they are different from everyone else and have to freedom to act the way they want and wear what they want. Enforcing school uniforms does not affect academic situations in any way for uniforms to be mandatory. Schools need to re-think their decision on school uniform policies for the mental and physical well-being of their students.
The argument between to have or not have school uniforms has been an ongoing dispute ever since the use of them. I have first-hand experience of having school uniforms and having no school uniforms. I strongly believe that school uniforms are beneficial to an individual’s school success/experience.
School uniforms are taking away students freedom of speech. First of all, school uniforms are restricting students right to express themselves. Experts believe, “American civil liberties union (ACLU), have argued that mandatory uniform policies violate student's right to free speech, which is protected under the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution” Students should have the right to free speech. According to the author, Tamar Lewin, he conveys that ”The Supreme Court's Tinker decision firmly established that students have a constitutional right to express when they are at school so long as the speech is not disruptive and does not interfere with the rights
School uniforms are common for some schools in the world. But other schools give kids their freedom.I believe school uniforms should not be permitted for schools and here are some reasons why.
One of the biggest miseries of back-to-school is the return of the uniform. From tiny villages to the nation’s largest cities, school uniforms have grown so familiar in the last few years that in numerous districts of the world, they’re no longer the exception, but an order. You would think the great school uniform debate shouldn't be that controversial of a subject, after all, we’re only talking about clothes here. However, uniforms have led to many heated arguments among parents of many students, despite the debate, there are in fact many advantages and disadvantages to requiring students to wear those attire to school. Despite all opinions regulations that impose school uniforms could possibly be civil rights violations, such as the right to free speech, right to privacy and freedom of religion. In spite the fact that many parents and the majority of the students are against the obligation of uniforms, it's still an exceedingly popular tendency among schools. Most people are in disagreement with the idea for many reasons, for instance, they believe it abolishes the students right to express themselves freely, it harms the outcome of a student self-image and sabotages the assurance of a free education by imposing an extra expense on families.
Kids shouldn't have to wake up in the morning and have to put on a boring school uniform kids should have the freedom to wear what they please to school .
School uniforms and dress codes are becoming a popular trend among schools. Most Students and some parents don’t agree with the enforcement with school uniforms, saying that uniforms are taking away self-expression in schools. But, school uniforms are not a negative thing to have. Yes, uniforms and some very strict dress codes limit what the students have to choose to wear to school every day, but it doesn’t limit them from learning which is the main reason they are in school. Some students treat school as a fashion show, so eliminating the size of wardrobe shifts the attention toward their school work. Although requiring students to wear school uniforms may violate their self-expression in some ways, a uniform is supposed to be looked
Ever wonder what it would look like to have all students wearing the same white polo shirt, black pants, and a district sweater walking in the hallway? Nowadays, public school and many districts are discussing the possibilities of enforcing the uniform policy. In most places, many private schools already require students to have their mandatory uniforms; however, there are only a few public schools adopting this mandatory school-uniform polices as one of their enrollment requirements. The reason why not all public schools participated was because people believe that they are violating the freedom of choice when enforcing this mandatory uniform policy; yet problems
People always say be yourself, can't do that with uniforms. Schools should not have school uniforms because kids are being branded, and it takes away individuality. Kids are being forced to wear uncomfortable clothes because of principals feel. That kids should have to wear uniforms because they are worried kids are going to make fun of each other private schools that have uniforms usually cover up bullying. So do you think school uniforms are worth it.School uniforms strips away individuality and people can't be themselves, and wearing clothes that you like is certainly freedom of expression. So schools do not have the right to take away a right given to you.
Wouldn’t you appreciate that your children always know what to wear for school? School uniform is what makes it easy! A set of clothing that is mainly worn, school uniform is one of the school's policy and recommendation. Generally worn in elementary and middle school, this outfit is composed of specific colors of long or short pants and shirts for boys, sometimes with a tie. Girls usually wear a dress or a blouse worn either with a skirt or pants, all however have the same colors. This dress code determines even the type of shoes that should be worn at school. School uniform may vary from school to school, but it remains the basis dress code for the education system. The adoption of school extensive uniform mandatory has been encouraged
Opposed to the argument for school uniforms, the ACLU argues that school uniforms go against the First Amendment. It is agreed that school uniforms stifle a student's self expression. Many educators and sociology experts argue that school uniforms interrupt a child's development as a person. Experts also believe that school uniforms do not prepare check Loren for the real world, where they will be judged by their
Do you want uniforms at your school? No one really knows why people like school uniforms. It won’t change anything with the real problems at the school. Many kids still won’t be able to buy the name brand uniforms. So people will still judge others for not having the same name brand uniforms. Kids will be more rebellious and aggravated with the school uniforms. School boards and other higher position say it makes the school more professional but in reality it doesn’t. It makes the school seem just like everyone else. When they wear what they want the school will stand out. It is normal for not having school uniforms. But it still makes each school different from other schools. Students have the right to dress as they please but still in
Under such policies such as mandatory uniform policies students cannot freely express themselves and get a quality education. Mandatory uniform policies minimize student’s first Amendment rights, the freedom of expression. (Research Brief, School Uniforms.) Although the courts usually don’t give students the same rights as other citizens the first amendment of the United States Constitution gives all its citizenry the rights of said constitution. If a student wants to wear a certain colored hoodie in protest of a current event they cannot. If a student wants to express their creativity in any way pertaining to dress they simply cannot. “Detractors say that uniforms are an unnecessary burden and infringe on students’ Frist Amendment Rights” (“Effects of a School Uniform Policy on an Urban School District.") Even personal parts of are body that affect no one else but ourselves are not allowed to be expressed as they would like to be. If we cannot express ourselves freely how can we expect to be able to learn about others open
Bill Clinton, 42nd president of the United States and avid supporter of schools uniforms, once stated to the Federal Education Department, “our public schools should be able to require their students to wear school uniforms” to put “discipline and learning back in our schools” (Mitchell, 1). From kindergarten to beyond, a school's priority should be to provide a safe space for learning and cultivating knowledge and school uniforms help schools create this through safety, unity and focus. While opposers argue uniforms block a student's right to freedom of expression and individuality, they are still able to express themselves through other aspects of school. School uniforms should be required in grade school, by both private and public schools because they promote learning by providing a safer environment, stronger focus on education, and increased sense of community.
First and foremost, the First Amendment’s free expression clause has long been a barricade against public school official’s efforts to impose conformity and orthodoxy on what students must wear to school. Under this practice, it is not the school’s nor the state’s function to inflict a systematic collection of regulations affirming what apparel is acceptable, and which is not. It is not at all clear, though, how robust Constitutional protection is among public school students due to its inexplicit declaration on a specifics of dress codes in the First Amendment, but there are legal cases that establish a principle on