
Arguments Against Police Brutality

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Take a Stand Essay
Over the last 2-3 years’, police brutality and nation retaliation is all over the news. According to the Washington post, police have fatally shot nearly 1000 people in 2015. (Kindy, Fisher, Tate, & Jenkins, 2015). It was stated in the post, “A single bullet fired at the adrenaline-charged apex of a chase can end a life, wreck a career, spark a riot, spike racial tensions and alter the politics of the nation.” (Kindy et al.,2015). Every time a person is killed by police it takes a toll on the whole nation, from California to the tip of Maine. Generally Speaking, police Brutality has reached an all-time high in the last couple of years. Police officers, the victims’ family, and the bystanders, all play a part in these tragedies, and honestly no one is going about this correctly.
Police officers have been beating and harassing people for a very long time without being punished for it. Why do they shoot to kill? If they feel like they need to shoot, why don’t they shoot to wound? In an article from Huffington post, former chief Troy Church stated, “Officers are trained to shoot to …show more content…

Regardless if the officer felt threatened or not, he lived. He got to see his family. The person he killed can’t. This victim will never see his/her family again, his/her mother lost a child. The hardest thing to do is bury your child before getting buried yourself. With the thought of having to bury their child, the family goes through tough episodes – grief. They mourn the loss of the family member, but also let the grief get the best of them. Some retaliate. Retaliation is payback, and some people feel an eye for an eye, leg for a leg. These broken families try to get justice the best way they know how, because they know that they will not get any from the justice system. There are many ways to cope with a loss through faith, and just being around positive

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