Marijuana: Harmless Drug? The next theme is that marijuana is harmful compared to other drugs. He makes the point in saying that there are some acute physical effects of marijuana such as a moderate increase in heart rate, reddening of the whites of they eyes, and drying of the mouth and eyes (Weil, 2004). Users do not feel most of the effects mentioned; the most frequently noticed effect is dryness of the mouth. Weil argues that there is a particular stigma associated with marijuana; however, there are far worst legal drugs. For example, alcohol is legal yet it has adverse effects on nervous system. If enough is consumed, first time users experience slurring of speech and incoordination (Weil, 2014). The effects alcohol has on lower brain can result in stupor, coma, and death from respiratory failure (Weil, 2014). I am also in agreement with his standpoint on marijuana. Although I do not partake in using it, I do not see how it can have such a negative connotation when alcohol and other drugs including prescription pills have more adverse consequences than marijuana. The marijuana debate that we did in class revealed to me that there are no sustainable arguments against legalizing marijuana. As Weil has stated I have seen more adverse physical and cognitive effects on individuals who have used other drugs, especially alcohol. Also the disparity between the laws regarding marijuana, alcohol, and other drugs are concerning. Persons who are in possession of marijuana
Those who disagree with the legalization of marijuana across the United States state various concerns regarding its potential for negative side effects, such as causing addiction and deteriorating cognition (Loflin and Earleywine 293-296). Nonetheless,
“For me, the medical marijuana was a miracle drug, a life saver. I wish I had used it from the beginning because it was so helpful, and according to our current law, I should go to jail for it”, said Jeanette Bokland a nurse, dealing with cancer. Jeannette said she tried everything, then she got ahold of medical marijuana, and ate it because, “I do not want to smoke anything”. She is so happy she got ahold of medical marijuana, it took away my nausea, restlessness, anxiety said Jeanette Bokland. Our nation estimates 2,434,192 medical marijuana smokers; (Number of Legal) like Jeanette medical marijuana does help some patients dealing with cancer. It did not get her “high” it made her feel halfway normal. Jeanette was helped tremendously by
Many people are opposed to the Adult Use of Marijuana Act for a variety of reasons. One such reason is that marijuana use can not be measured. “Unlike liquor,” George Skelton of the LA Times reports “there’s no 0.08% blood alcohol equivalent for marijuana. There’s not even a common Breathalyzer to measure drugged
As the world advances people’s conceptions on the world change as well. Things that were viewed as bad in the 1900’s are now acceptable, and sometimes encouraged. Almost every aspect of life today as we know it is different from what we wear, to the jobs we have, and especially what we do in our free time. One thing that is was not very socially acceptable even in the last 5 years, and is a major topic all over the United States is marijuana legalization. It has always been used, but only in private or small groups. Marijuana which has been frowned upon for a long time, and users are labeled as “burnouts” and “losers” who are failures in the world. The world is changing its view on marijuana though. In the United States 27 states and D.C. have legalized marijuana
The first issue to be confronted is that of the effects of marijuana on the body. The physiological effects of marijuana on the body are not very strong. It would actually take 20,000 to 40,000 times the normal dose to kill a human being. There is no documented case of a death caused by marijuana overdose. The only noticeable effect on the body is the slight increase in heart beat, depending on the dose amount. The increase in blood pressure also usually creates bloodshot eyes. The mouth tends to dry out and the user has an urge to drink water. All of the other effects that could be related to marijuana use are inconsistent so cannot be directly linked to the substance (Model 15).
We demand the release of all people imprisoned on marijuana charges and that their criminal records be expunged. We demand that all property seized in marijuana raids be returned to the rightful owners at once. We demand that our law enforcement officers make more efficient use of our tax dollars and use the resources they have at their disposal to go after violent criminals and crimes that actually have victims. We demand the right to grow marijuana for personal consumption, just as alcohol can be brewed at home legally and so long that it is not sold it should therefore remain untaxed. We demand that you stop treating us like second class citizens for consuming something that is less dangerous than alcohol and tobacco, both of which are legal and cause numerous deaths each year. Cannabis has never caused one. this was a statement made by the USMP (united states marijuana party).
With alcohol, users feel slight effects after just one drink, and recover depending on how much was drunk, how much they weigh, and how much they had to eat before drinking. Immediate effects of marijuana which can also be called pot or weed, are slurred speech, decreased motivations, poor judgment, increased appetite and lack of motor coordination. Marijuana causes red eyes, dry mouth, increased appetite, slowed reaction, paranoia, hallucinations, decreased social inhibitions, and memory loss. For both drugs the effects vary person to person. Although both drugs are used in many of the same situations from relaxing to partying, the two have very different effects as well as short and long term health consequences. Alcohol has some medical benefits that come from antioxidants in alcohol but this benefits only exist when drank moderately (Kristen, "Teens Are Choosing Marijuana over More Harmful Substances."), Despite some benefits from drinking moderately, alcohol is overall dangerous to personal health. While overdosing on weed is practically impossible, overdosing on alcohol is a large problem in society. Binge drinking alone accounts for half of the around 80,000 alcohol related deaths in 2010 but
Healthcare can’t be spelled without T.H.C! For those who don’t know, THC is one of the main chemicals in medical marijuana. Marijuana, when used medically, can reduce anxiety, depression, and nausea, as well as many other uses. It helps strengthen the economy. Addiction is a huge worry, but marijuana used to get people off of crack and meth, so how addictive can it really be? With medical marijuana, the sky's the limit. Medical marijuana has tons of potential in the world of meds, it can get tons of money through taxes, and isn’t as addictive as people believe.
On seeing the banner the principal crossed the street, grabbed the banner and crumpled it up, and suspended the student for 10 days because she interpreted it as appearing to advocate illegal drug use in the form of smoking marijuana. The student unsuccessfully challenged his suspension by requesting a declaratory judgement that the principal violated his First Amendment right to free speech, an injunction to remove the entry of the 10 day suspension he received from his school record, damages awarded against the principal and board and other relief
Marijuana, or cannabis, is a plant well known throughout the entire country. In the United States, a total of 23 states and the District of Columbia have legalized the use of marijuana in some shape or form, whether it be recreational or medicinal (State Marijuana). Recreational uses of the plant are legal to anyone over the age of 21, in the states that have passed laws to legalize free use. Medicinally, Marijuana has been legal for several years.
Everyone wants to feel good. No one wants to be in pain, be depressed or anxious. Marijuana is given a bad reputation because people believe it will negatively affects the brain like heroine or the lungs like cigarettes. The main argument against using marijuana is that it lowers intelligence, but that is when it is abused. Many legal substances have long terms effects on the brain and have the power to kill. Drug War Facts reports 33,171 deaths were alcohol induced, 42,249 overdosed on opioids, 480,320 caused by tobacco, and zero related to marijuana. Cannabis can be used in place of medication, would decrease crime rates, and improve the economy. 64% of people believe marijuana should be legalized yet only 9 of 50 states
Marijuana has very short term effects, a user may view time and reality differently. They also feel a sense of relaxation and artificial sense of well-being causing them to be completely unaware of the situations that surround them. The user when under the influence may also be in less control of the ability to possess complete thoughts or ideas, which makes it much more difficult to absorb information, restricting them from learning. A heavy user will have greater losses than an occasional user, the heavy users will lose their ability to focus or shift attention with the changes in
Why should Marijuana be legalized is because there is not any good reason for it not to be legal. People choose to ask why Marijuana should be legal. The question should be why should Marijuana not be legal?
There are so many arguments against the legalization of marijuana. Most of these arguments originate from confused generalization associated with marijuana. The most common argument people give is that marijuana is labeled as the “gateway drug”. Marijuana can lead others to want to do harder drugs such as cocaine, heroin, ecstasy, etc. This is known as what people call the “Gateway Theory”. Yes this theory is in some ways correct. Marijuana can be a gateway drug, but not because it’s illegal. Other things that are legal such as cigarettes and alcohol can be seen as gateway items as they can also lead to other drugs(Marijuana Legalization).
If I hadn’t gotten involved with an older group of people maybe I wouldn't have tried smoking marijuana, if I hadn’t tired marijuana maybe I wouldn’t have started skipping school, If I hadn't started skipping school maybe my grades wouldn't have dropped, if my grades wouldn't have dropped more than likely my parents would have not been at my school talking to the school counselor on that December day of 2010, and maybe, just maybe if I would have just listened to my dad when he asked for the keys to my car it wouldn't have lead to the brutal argument and assault towards my dad in my high school parking lot that ultimately lead to my arrest and my parents finding out about me smoking