
Arguments Against Assisted Suicide

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Assisted suicide has been a hot topic for quite some time. Proponents against and for assisted suicide continue to weigh in their opinions about the issue. Groups who are in favor of this practice report a patient is enforcing their own autonomy and right to die. Advocates against assisted suicide say that this practice will open up doors to abuse and it is immoral to take a life. I am currently in the middle of both sides, seeing potential benefits that may result, but a darker side is lurking.
Assisted suicide is not a new practice there is a long history of this that has been dated back to ancient Greece and Rome where a poison hemlock was used for euthanasia. In the 19th century chloroform or other anesthetics were advocated to result …show more content…

A number of patients who are terminally ill would not choose to autonomously assisted suicide maybe challenged in their decision for a natural death and many prefer not to defend their decision for a natural death. There are also patients who maybe coerced into assisted suicide by relatives due to financial restraints and cost for continuation of care, this situation would violate the patient’s autonomy. It is also plausible for a patient to be suffering from depression and may choose assisted suicide due to depression, which maybe treated by appropriate medications. Assisted suicide for severely disabled is also not permissible. It is argued that people who are severely disabled are better alive than dead as a generalization. Allowing assisted suicide would create an environment to make it difficult to correct injustices suffered to the severely disabled. This may encourage communities to believe that the severely disabled are better off dead and less willing to support laws and social polices that support their needs (Scoccia, 2010). Societal and introspective influences can affect and cloud a person’s autonomy. These reasons are at the top of arguments against assisted

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