
Arguments About Refugees

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What if someone told you that you weren't welcome somewhere because you weren't originally from that certain place? Multiple people are told this every day, and many people are let down every day because of this. Accepting refugees is one of the major problems in the United States right now. I think that this problem is a very large problem that we have in the United States. America tends to have this problem because there are many different opinions on this topic. Some may argue that refugees should not be allowed into our country because they have many risks.This argument is distinguished from others because it will affect the way we live. In other words, we have many generations to come and when they come to the age where they are able to vote and help make federal decisions they will be able to take consideration of what views people have on this highly debated topic. But others may argue that they should be allowed into our country because they could be a good addition. I think refugees should be allowed into the United States under some certain conditions. One reason they should be allowed into the United States is that refugees could make a positive impact on our economy. If we allow them into our country they should be vetted to make sure that they are mentally and physically healthy to be around. Finally, if they want to be a part of our country they should follow the process of becoming a citizen of the United States. “Immigration reform shouldn’t be a

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