
Argumentative Statement On Flag Burning

Decent Essays

In a cosmopolitan nation full of diversity like the United States, conflicts are bound to arise between cultures and races with different views. However, in order to maintain the diversity, people must be willing to understand and accept others’ opinions. This ideal has been tested by citizens in the US in many conflicts as people mistreat others. People exclude or mistreat others who are different, but should accept them for the good of society as long as violence doesn’t break out.
The accepting of differences will strengthen the community and help everyone keep an open mind. From “Texas v. Johnson Majority Opinion”, William J. Brennan explains the statement that justifies flag-burning, and, though controversial, finding closure for this matter: “Our decision is a reaffirmation of the principles of freedom and inclusiveness that the flag reflects, and of the conviction that our toleration of criticism is our sign and source of our strength” (Brennan 16). Brennan explains that though many are concerned with the idea that flag burning is legal and take action against it, they should take the other route instead. That is to say, to uphold the ideals the US Constitution promises, people must tolerate flag-burning as it is a form of communication towards society. In addition, people have the obligation to influence and convince those protesters to reevaluate their actions and errors. Brennan’s statement portrays that even though a problem can attract controversy, it is

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