
Argumentative Speech About Smart Phones

Decent Essays

In this day and age we are glued to our smart phones. Everywhere you see everyone is either on the phone or they cannot help but to be on there phones. Just like how their are people out there are addicted to drugs and alcoholic, they are people out there addicted to their smart phones or anything to do with technology. And you might think that it is crazy or not true but I challenge you to go somewhere public and just to look around and you'll know what I am talking about. We live to be on our phones, we live to be on social media. It blows your mind to think how much technology has evolved since ten years ago and the difference it has created within people. When people are out and about with friends and/or family the one thing they tend to look at or pay attention more than anything is there phone. Our phones have our attention more than the people surrounded us do. When you think about it like that it is sad to say that we rather be playing games or on snapchat then to have actual conversation with people surrounded us. We’ve all said that the moments with the people you are with are priceless moments but are phones have all the attention to even realize anything else. My friends and I all go to lunch and this is how it goes, we sit down, order and we look at our phones instead of catching up with one another. And I am sure we are not the first group of friends to do that. Using smart phones in school is starting to be a big thing now, like in my old high school it was built around technology and involved technology in some way in every class. Yes, some may say that is the future and that may be true but is that a positive for us in the future? If we are like this now with this technology how will we be in five or ten years from now with more advanced technology. When you have technology incorporated within classes it can often distant classmates and just have them focus on their phones instead of talking within their peers. It is hard for teachers to incorporate phones and technology into the lesson plans because students do get distracted easily and might be on social media instead of doing their classwork. Last year being a freshman at UNLV was definitely a different change but the classroom

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