
Argumentative Essay: The Legalization Of Marijuana

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While on marijuana, one may suffer from the following side effects; relaxation, peacefulness, tie dye shirts, creativity, and humor. The side effects are terrifying. Who in their right mind would do this terrible drug? Marijuana is a natural drug that comes from the cannabis plant, a wondrous plant that has many uses. In most of the world cannabis is illegal for the wrong reasons. Without the prohibition of cannabis our community would have a safe alternative to a deadly elixir named alcohol, create much more revenue from sales and reduce the hold that the violent black markets have on the US. Prohibition is a horrible way to stop something from continuing. It is normally ineffective and creates more users. Prohibition has great cost. In …show more content…

In the 1930’s oil and lumber companies saw the benefits of cannabis. To them the plant was a threat to their business because cannabis can be turned into ethanol, paper, food, oils, waxes and many more products that can run them out of business. To disable their opponent, these companies created many advertisements against marijuana, the female part to the cannabis plant. The female hormones created flowers which contained THC, CBD, CBG and many more mind altering substances. Movies such as “Reefer Madness” scared the public. It was targeted to scare parents and the majority of Christian America into getting behind a campaign to stop the cannabis plant. In 1937 the plan worked and the Marijuana Tax Act was passed. It was the beginning of a long prohibition that continues today in 48 of our …show more content…

Hemp was the strongest known fiber and was used in creating everything from ropes for the navy to socks for foot soldiers. Most people of the times supported hemp due to the help it was to the biggest war of the century. Soon after the war was over, the prohibition was reinstated. In the 1950’s and 60’s the war against cannabis wasn’t supported for the companies that lose business, but because of the misconceptions created over the safety of the drug. President Nixon was very supportive of the Vietnam War, while the hippies weren’t. Nixon’s master plan was to keep marijuana illegal to fight the hippy revolution. Most of the hippies were smoking pot while fighting against the war. With more and more being arrested the fight against the war

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