
Argumentative Essay: Should Teachers Keep Guns In Schools?

Decent Essays

The amount of school shootings has profoundly increased in the past few years. Recently, there was a school shooting that occurred in a Florida school, which took seventeen innocent lives. This event has aroused a question on whether teachers should keep guns in their classrooms to protect themselves and their students. However, guns will cause more fear and problems in the lives of parents, students and teachers. America wants to strive toward having safer schools, but arming teachers is not a logical solution because teachers will not be mentally prepared, guns will cause students to be anxious, and guns could be restricted. No matter how much training a teacher has, they will not be entirely prepared to gun down a shooter. A teacher, Tara Bordeaux, asked: "Would I get the same training and would I have the same type of instinct of when and how to use it?"..."I don't have any instincts in me to be an officer of the law. My instincts are to be a teacher." In a lockdown, panic would fill the minds of teachers, just the same as students, making it difficult for them to recall the procedures they had been educated on. Even if a teacher was mentally prepared, they still do not have the proper training to identify the shooter …show more content…

As Emma Gonzalez said in her speech, “Australia had one mass shooting in 1999, but after the massacre, it introduced gun safety and hasn't had one since.” Citizens all around the country have been and are fighting for the victims of gun violence, but they have been disregarded until now. If the government had attended to the issue of gun violence earlier, the amount of mass shooting in past years would have significantly decreased. As can be seen, if gun laws are stricter, educators will not have to be endowed with

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