Salmon vs Copper Mine Alaska is home to an amazing habitat of salmon, but it also holds a lot of valuable minerals under the ground that are perfect for mining. Many people believe that the salmon are far more valuable to us then the mine would be, but other people have disagreed and want to build a mine in an area close to the habitat. Today we still have a debate on our hands and I believe that the salmon are irreplaceable and that the miners should find a different location. One of the many reasons why I believe that the mine should be relocated is because of the toxins that the mine would create. The toxins will penetrate through the ground and into the ground water, which will flow into the rivers and into Bristol Bay where the salmon
Drilling in Alaska will not help stop the oil crisis. Many colonial Americans weren’t concerned about protecting natural resources because they thought they had a lot but they also knew that they needed to preserve the oil. Should the United States drill for oil in Alaska’s wilderness? America shouldn’t drill in Alaska because of the environment wilderness, protecting environment, and economics.
Prepare a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation summarizing the costs and benefits of the proposed mine. Include the following elements:
What some people may be worried about is the fact that this mine could destroy the wonderful peace of the Boundary Waters, for at least 20 years while PolyMet does their mining. The Boundary Waters are located in one of the 12 places on Earth where you can go 15 minutes without hearing human noise. You can ask pretty much anyone who has been to the Boundary Waters, and they will tell you just how peaceful and serene it is. I honestly think 20 years worth of jobs in that area cannot match up to the amazing environment that is already there.
Con: No, America is heading towards a better way to produce energy, a clean renewable energy that is not dangerous to the environment.
I recently read an article in Scientific American (May 2001) titled “the arctic oil & wildlife refuge.” The article addresses the issue of whether or not science has the ability to clarify the potential economic benefits and the ecological risks of drilling into the nation’s last great coastal wilderness preserve. What I began to wonder after reading the article is, if we humans should continue our scientific and technological petroleum endeavors even though we are causing irreversible harm to our earth. My feeling is that we should not drill in Alaska’s Arctic.
With this one billion dollars, several influential tribes and states were given the opportunity to fight back. Some of the ideas put into place were, new fish hatcheries, seal lion non-lethal hazing, kelt reconditioning, evaluation and restoration projects, and conservation easements and land acquisitions. The most important of these being the fish hatcheries and the kelt reconditioning projects. The hatcheries create a whole new population of salmon that can rejuvenate and integrate with the wild salmon, while returning to the ocean as adults. The Kelt recondition project takes the middle ground out of the equation for the salmon. Groups of fisherman take the salmon from the ocean and bring them to the spawning grounds, avoiding the dams and other wildlife all together. All projects benefit the salmon and their population is slowly
Jeopardizing the world’s largest sockeye salmon run by operating a large mine near Bristol Bay is irresponsible. The resource exploitation by outside companies during Alaska’s territorial days should not be repeated. Alaskans need to be very concerned about the Pebble mine project spearheaded by Northern Dynasty Minerals, a Canadian company.
Minnesota is known as the land of ten thousand lakes and what would happen it if our state become the land if 6 thousand lakes. How would it get that name? By pollution and having this mine there's a small chance, but there's still a chance something could go wrong. If it does the BWCA will be the first to experience the effects of the pollution.. Over the past decades Minnesota mainly has mined iron and coal. Minnesota is one of the largest producers of iron in the United States, so why should we put up a copper mine.There are only 12 national forests left that are a protected area that cannot be touched.This mine is about 90 miles away from the BWCA. In some mines the pollution in the water has traveled
In addition to concern about changes, was if drilling were to happen the negatives it would create to the tundra. Drilling on any form of earth is harmful in general. But because of how beloved the terrain is to the native, it only creates more conflicts.
Two mining companies, Northern Dynasty and Anglo American, have been fighting with the tribes in Alaska over the Bristol Bay mine. This is because that the Alaskan tribes are worried that the mining activity of the two mining companies would harm the First Nation land. However, the mining activity will bring lots of benefits to the USA economy. In my opinion, Bristol Bay mine development should be continued.
The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) has been the center of a strident controversy and national debate that has raged for over 40 years. The question raising so much contention is whether the federal government should allow drilling for oil and natural gas with the levels of contention paralleling the rise and fall of gas prices. The National Democratic and Republican Parties have taken opposing positions in their national political platforms, with the debate emerging and re-emerging in Congress as a significant issue. The Republican are proponents of drilling whereas the Democrats are opposed. With Sen. Lisa Murkowski ascending to the top post of the Energy and Natural Resources Committee many observers believe that the Republicans will renew their push for drilling in the ANWR in the upcoming 114th Congress. This paper will explore the different arguments that are used to oppose drilling to protect the ANWR followed by arguments that are in support of drilling. As a result of a preliminary review of current literature outlining the pros and cons surrounding drilling, it is the thesis of this paper that drilling in the ANWR is unnecessary based on (1) the potential to cause irreversible damage to a very unique ecosystem that has not been adequately studied by scientists; and (2) the limited impact that drilling in the region will have on overall market prices and supplies due to the estimated small size of the ANWR’s oil and gas reserves. A brief history of the
Hunting and fishing have been a part of the past and present of America and all around the world for as far back as the world dates. As far back as we can date, people have always hunted and fished. Back then they needed to because people need food to survive. Now hunting and fishing are starting to become sports. You may think that hunting and fishing can harm the environment, but there are many positive things about them. Hunting and fishing can have some positive effects and negative effects on the environment and economy, so if you don’t really agree with hunting and fishing maybe these facts will change your mind.
The global crisis surrounding energy needs grows in severity as time goes by and in order to solve it, scientists have created the innovative solution known as hydraulic fracturing (Source 5). Hydraulic fracturing, commonly referred to as “fracking,” is a process that injects water, chemicals, sand, and other materials into layers of shale. The injected mixture cracks the layers of shale, releasing trapped natural gasses that can be collected (Source 1). Fracking occurs deep under the surface of the earth, miles below the groundwater that is accessed from drinking-water wells. In the mid-2000s, “fuel prices were rising rapidly” (Source 5). Hydraulic fracturing was a cheap solution that not only brought the world out of a state of emergency but made oil prices drop. The new method of gas collection grew the oil and gas industry, benefiting people all around the world. Fracking is a cheap, effective solution to global needs, but is under attack from skeptics who worry about environmental hazards. The claims against fracking not only have no real evidence but also risk destroying the jobs in the oil and gas industry as well as support for energy needs. Hydraulic fracturing is not only a cheap but a safe method that supports global needs surrounding both energy and jobs.
How do you feel about hunting? Do you think it is bad or good? Hunting is a way of life, it is food on the table, the important thing is it is good for the environment. Hunting helps to control the population, it helps with predators, it helps with the crop production, it is a good stress reliever, it helps you get good exercise and many more reasons why hunting is great.
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