Less Money is Always Better “Mommy, why don’t you make as much money as Daddy?” “Well honey, Daddy is better than me at everything, and he deserves more money.” Right now, for every dollar earned by men, white women make 77 cents, African American women make 60 cents, and Latina women make 55 cents. The wage gap has decreased dramatically since the 1960’s and is expected to equalize by 2059. This is just wrong; female citizens do not deserve pay equality. Women in the workforce should be paid half as much money as men because women can’t get stuff done, have children, and are weaklings.
Women in the workforce are far less productive than their male counterparts. According to Tom Wormwood, a white male office worker, “All the lazy women
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They argue that women work just as hard as men do. According to the Equal Pay Act of 1963, it is illegal to discriminate in the workforce by paying higher wages to one sex and not the other for the same amount of work. Women and men have the same goals and ambitions to be successful, and their difference in wages should not hold anyone back from those achieving goals. Although these claims may have some merit, everyone knows men work harder than women all the time. Based on a study done by the Department for Female Incompetence, 98% of women employed at full-time jobs wish they could be as hardworking as men. They say, “We just don’t have the motivation to succeed like our husbands because we are living in the nineteenth century.” These women are so right in believing this. They shouldn’t have equal pay because women are weak and lack …show more content…
Forget the amazingly powerful female weightlifters and gymnasts- patriarchy is the way to go. Women in the workforce love to let men do all the heavy lifting because that means less work, which is always good. Male receptionists deserve a higher pay than female receptionists because it takes so much more strength to lift a laptop, feathers, paper, and pencils. Therefore, men should be paid more and women less.
Because women don’t get work done, have kids, and aren’t strong, their wages should be half as much as men’s. This is the time to act; join the cause and campaign against equal pay to ensure the gender gap prevails. Husbands, ask your wife’s boss to pay her less! Wives, ask your boss to pay you less! An unfair world is where we all want to
As long as an American woman is putting in the same amount of hours with the same qualifications and experience in the same occupation as an American male, and yet taking home a wage that is any lower, she is not being treated fairly as an equal. Contrary to many arguments, it’s undeniable that a wage gap exists, and while there are various ideas as to the most probable cause, there is no reason why this gap should continue to go uncorrected or unchanged. Our government should take concrete steps to close the gender wage gap because it violates women’s rights and equality.
Since the late 19th century, women have been struggling with the issue of not receiving the same amount of pay as men. The gender wage gap was not seen as a major issue until the 1960s, however, and unfortunately, it is still a major issue in our world today. (cite source). In the early 1900’s, World War I caused many men to leave their families behind to fight for their country. As a result of this, women had to take the responsibility of the male roles in the workforce. Women were expected to do the same jobs as men did before they were deployed, but were paid less to do so (cite source). This problem still exists in our world today. In 2011, it was proven that the weekly earnings for a female full-time worker is $684, compared
After years of Civil Rights Movements and Pay Equity Acts, as of 2014, women still only make 79 cents to a man 's every dollar. Although the wage gap has shrunk since the 1970’s, progress has recently stalled and chances of it vanishing on its own is unlikely. The gains that American women have made towards labor market experience and skills is tremendous. In fact, women account for 47% of labor workforce and 49.3% of American jobs. But despite of women’s strides, a gender pay gap still exists. Experts suggest that it will take 100 years to close the gap at the rate employers and legislators are working to create solutions. But by allowing women to work in higher paying positions and by proposing and updating pay equity laws, the gender gap can finally be diminished.
Equal pay is a problem on a global scale. Over 145 countries have a documented pay wage gap (Werft). One would hope the United States would have the smallest wage gap, but in 2016, the United States was in only 45th place in the smallest wage gap (“Rankings”). In fact, most women in the United States only make $0.77 compared to a whole dollar they should earn. The state with the worst wage gap is Louisiana, with only, on average $0.69 for every man’s dollar (“Rankings”). One in three of the 15.2 million families headed by women have fallen below the poverty line, leaving their children to suffer in poverty
A single woman, 2 kids under the age of 18, a high stress work environment, and she still isn’t paid an equal amount as a man with the same job. Millions of women from across the United States have been fighting for equality since the dawn of time. and the results so far have not been outstanding. “If the Gap Were Closed, California Women Could Afford Food for More Than One Year, Four More Months of Mortgage and Utilities, or More Than Six Additional Months of Rent Annually” (California). The ever present pay gap in America is degrading to women in the workforce and should be closed because the gap doesn’t affect just white, single women; it affects all ethnicities, working mothers, and households across the country, although many people will
For the first time in history women had surpassed men in the paid labor force. Yet, instead of provoking an equality among the sexes, the figures play no statistical significance, as women still try to bridge the gap between their inequality among their male counterparts. One apparent setback for women in the workplace is their unequal payment, “Women workers are still paid less than men, currently about-three quarters of mens income if they work full time and year round”(Institute for Womens’s Policy Research, 2010). Although there women are beginning to integrate into vastly male populated jobs throughout the labor force “… women in America today earn 78 cents to a man’s dollar, according to the U.S Census Bureau, and have struggled for decades to achieve pay for equal work” (Riley 2). Not only has this pay gap significantly effected the nature of women throughout the county, it has also violated the bill that Congress passed called the Equal Pay Act of 1963. The Equal Pay Act was signed in order to establish a more sound and equal treatment among the sexes. It noted that an employer was unable to discriminate employees on grounds of gender, yet as figures denote today, this bill seems to not possess enough jurisdiction over the wage gap. The wage gap has contributed to various problems within the United States, especially among single mothers who do not have a supporting male figure within their household.
Women have been entering the workforce since the 1970’s at an increasing rate. Statistics show that 39% of the workforce during the 1970’s were women. In 2010 that percentage increased to 47% (Gender, Web). As more women enter the workforce, even with the possibility of increased fraternization and sexual harassment, there should be equality in pay and positions.
Growing up, women are told that they are equals with men but when find a job in their respective careers they are compensated for the same work very differently. When you hear about this issue most people think about the United States but this problem impacts women all over. Girls that are born in the middle east, aren’t even allowed to go to school. They are denied the opportunity for even a chance at education. In the modern world I find it ridiculous that we have to fight for something so simple as an unbiased opportunity for hourly wage compensation. The business world is for sure changing at this moment in time with the election of our new president. We must stand up now and make sure that we move forward instead of reverting backwards for women’s equality. In order for not only America but the whole world to open their eyes and see how the gender wage gap is such a prevalent issue in the business world we must look at the past see the injustice of inequality, the inability for women in current day to promote themselves, and how this wage gap is stalling the potential of the global economy.
“Imagine you 're a little girl. You 're growing up. You practice as hard as you can, with girls, with boys. You have a dream. You fight, you work, you sacrifice to get to this stage. You work as hard as anyone you know. And then you get to this stage, and you 're told you 're not the same as a boy. Almost as good, but not quite the same. Think how devastating and demoralizing that could be” Venus Williams. For years, women have worked as hard as men to get an education, get their dream job, or even get a promotion in a job they are currently at so they can earn less pay than a man and not even know it. They take on these important roles and titles as a manager or take on more jobs than they can handle to prove they are worthy as the next guy and to receive no raise or still underpaid to the guy who does not work as hard or have the same job title. However, women and men have begun to see this a problem and started to work together to make a change. Women makeup over half the workforce and are seen, if not equal, or are the breadwinner in four out of ten families (About Pay Equity & Discrimination 1). Women in the workforce should earn the same pay as men because they work hard to get an education, their race should not play into an effect, and they support a family.
As a matter of fact, professional male players have much less to lose when standing up for equal pay for female athletes: They have a huge viewership, lucrative salaries, numerous sponsorships, secure contracts. In the male-dominated sports industry, if men’s teams stood up and said women deserve equal pay, equal attention, equal programming, it would only push the fight forward faster, and the sports-obsessed world would be forced to pay attention. As we saw with the women’s hockey and soccer teams, women can go it alone, but why should
Throughout history, even in today's world, women’s achievements are not valued as high as men’s achievements. This has been happening ever since rulers and social classes back in ancient rome. Even in today’s world, women are still discriminated against by females are paid only 84 cents per dollar paid to men on average. Others may say, the statistic that men are paid more per hour account to how females take more time of work, or that women just take jobs that pay less. Anti-wage gap people say that no one is stopping the women of America to go into higher paying jobs, females choose the lower paying jobs to go into by themselves. Nevertheless, the wage gap is not for these reasons, it is purely a statistic
The gender wage gap is where men get paid more than women for doing the same job. The gender wage gap has been around since 1960, when women began working full time jobs outside the home. When the wage gap between women and men first became apparent, the issue primarily centered around discrimination against women as the “weaker sex”, a social stereotype. Today the issue has become more complex, involving American cultural norms and politics, and concerns that there are glass ceilings within businesses for women. As a result, many people are indecisive when it comes to taking a position on the matter while others are adamantly entrenched in their mind set. The fact of the matter is that women’s wages should match men’s wages whenever performance of duty is equal. The issue is that there should be equal pay for equal work. Wages should be based on education, experience, exposure, and location in that career field.
The idea that men make more than women at the same jobs simply because they are a different gender has been an active point of discussion over the past five decades. The issue has spread to almost everything that has any connection to the working world. Even the United States government feels the need to acknowledge this issue by putting things such as “she earned seventy seven cents for every dollar that he earned” on the White House website. This seventy seven cent statistic is what the corporate world today refers to as the wage gap. The wage gap compares all of the full time men’s earnings and all full time women's earnings averaged together. This idea of unequal pay had not really gathered steam until the early nineteen sixties when the Equal Pay Act of nineteen sixty three was passed (Understand). Even though the Equal Pay Act required that all workplaces give equal pay for equal work, men were, and still are, making a larger average earning than women. This is one of the most repeatedly talked about topics in the business world, and because of the controversy that comes along with it. There are many good points and suggestions that have been made over the past decades to fix or forget the issue all together, but none have successfully put both sides to rest. The truth is that the wage gap simply
America prides itself on equality but no one is truly equal until men and women are not treated the same way and given equal pay for the same work. Unequal pay is a major social injustice that has recently been spreading across the nation. Women have come a long way in American society, they now have the right to vote and are bread winners for many households, but they still have a long way to go. The wage gap in USA as of 2016 is that a woman makes 80 cents to a man’s dollar. This kind of discrimination is extremely prevalent in today’s society and there is no conscious effort being put forward to close the wage gap. It is predicted that the wage gap will be closing in the year 2152, but to get results now and have this discrimination end
Secondly, a study has recently shown how another issue in society is Gender Equality. According to Huffington Post citing the U.S. Census Bureau, “Women still earn only 77 cents for every dollar that men earn.” Many would say that equality between men and women has made leaps and bounds of progress, however this statistic can prove that equality between genders really hasn’t come that far. Women once were not allowed in the military, to wear anything other than dresses, and lastly in some states women could not serve on juries. Yes, progress has been made. Yet, in society today women work just as, if not more hard then men at some job places. How come men still earn approximately 23 cents more than women when they are working the same position? It is because women 's right for equality has not come to the point it should be in 2016. Huffington Post also states, “studies show women are paid less even when they are in the same job and have the same