
Argumentative Essay On The Wife Of Bath

Decent Essays

Suzanna Sim
AP Language Period 3
3 December 2014
Wife of Bath: Lack of Experience is the Key to Happiness The Middle Ages, a time of strict societal rules and hierarchy, was dominated by the Church. Eileen Power, a medievalist, states that "The ideas about women were formed on the one hand by the clergy order...while strictly subordinating them to the interests of its primary asset, the land." The Medieval Age's idea of a women's role was largely determined by males, specifically that of the Church. The Church's authority over women restricted them from their inborn rights of freedom and equality. Chaucer, a firm believer against this inequality, utilizes the Wife of Bath's prologue and tale to suggest that true happiness can only be achieved when male sovereignty over women is relinquished. The Wife of Bath begins her prologue by stating, "If there were no …show more content…

As men stated authority over women in the Middle Ages, the Wife of Bath's associates men with authoritative power, and women with experience. She denounces all authority, a radical statement especially in a time where the Church and men (the majority of her audience) were dominant in society, and states that experience should overpower authority. The Wife of Bath continues to denounce the belief that men should be authoritative over women by countering Church beliefs with her own experience. She says that someone once scolded her of her lifestyle with the proof that Christ only graced one wedding ceremony, a sign that the Bible clearly states that men and women should only marry once. She refutes this Biblical teaching with her own life experience stating that "wedding's no sin, so far as I can learn" (Chaucer 260). She specifically uses the word learn to emphasize the fact that she acquired this knowledge through her own experience. Chaucer depicts the Wife of Bath as an

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