
Argumentative Essay On Subways

Decent Essays

Since cameras are already integrated into subway and trains, it seems just to accommodate them into our newly proposed subway stations as well - adding to the already 4,500 cameras [1] in the NYC subway system. With observing crime comes deterring crime, many cities around the world implement passive deterring techniques which prove beneficial. Adding blue lights in the stations which turn on during the night has helped Japan [2], it has reduced crime significantly and eliminated suicide attempts at those stations. Providing blue lights in NYC stations, such as the new ones proposed can reduce …show more content…

Yet some stations and older trains do not contain any temperature control. As the Guardian reports, temperature has a direct correlation with anger [1]. Since anger is infectious, with temperature control we can reduce irrational behavior and accidents related to emotion. Temperature increases can lead to irrational behavior due to resentment and anger already present. With anger, one loses emotional intelligence and gives way to irrational actions. A ventilation system which works to reduce temperatures in the summer automatically provides much needed comfort and safety.

These systems don’t have to be electrical. Using architecture, passive ventilation systems can be created. Wider entrances, wind friendly gates, and passages for cool air to enter and be exchanged with hot air can keep the temperature normal without constant maintenance. These cooling systems can even recycle air already present in the stations. They can take advantage of the gushes and air flows generated by trains as they arrive at the station. Passive ventilation systems can keep stations under acceptable condition using passive or active ventilation systems.
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