
Argumentative Essay On Obesity

Decent Essays

Sometimes, following the same old daily hectic routines we find our tummy tucking out of nowhere. Even today as you walk by, you will find every one person out of four obese. There are many reasons behind obesity starting from our daily routines. Ever wondered why? Is obesity only linked with the consumption of food? Is obesity only hitting adults? Is being over-weight considered healthy? There are certain diseases like post-partum where the world is not yet sure that it has a link with obesity but can be helpful and curable through proper exercises. These are few questions that revolve around us every day. If it is not you then it must be someone around you facing these few questions. Every time I stay in working on my assignments and tasks dealing with the work load, skipping meals and sleep. I feel my tummy tucking out. However it is not just me facing this very issue. Majority does. So why is that we are not so worried? What can possibly be the cause behind obesity? I always ask these questions from myself on repeat. The link of obesity with the age and gender along with the daily routine sleeps cycles, usage of drugs and chronic diseases are somehow associated and promote each other widely. Today, one of the most common public health problems is obesity that have disturbed all the human population around the world including all cultures, gender and age including children. The most general cause of obesity is the change in lifestyle, especially in food intake, loss

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