
Argumentative Essay On Mental Illness

Decent Essays

Mental disorders have been around for as long as man has been around, although our knowledge of what they truly are and how to treat them is still relatively new. Bipolar Disorder specifically has been around as far back as 300 to 500 AD, however in those times; people with mental illnesses were horribly tortured and killed because it was believed they worked with the Devil and demons (“Through the ages, it’s been there”). It wasn’t until the 18th and 19th centuries that we began to see people with mental illnesses as something other than possessed and deserving of an understanding with the option of legitimate treatment. The treatments that were received by people with mental illnesses in the beginning were harsh, involving electric eels …show more content…

I have had my own fair share of a family member with something wrong mentally. There is no knowledge in my family of whether this is a common trend going back several generations, or just an isolated incident; but my grandmother is Bipolar. The entire family knows she is Bipolar, except for her. My grandmother is either in great denial over her illness, or completely oblivious to it. We have all seen her be very happy and then in almost a blink of an eye we have seen her flip and become extremely angry. However, everyone in my family is too scared to mention it to her or try to stage an intervention to get her to the doctor to be officially diagnosed. We all just try to avoid her when she is angry and wait for the storm to pass, although, it has always sparked a great interest with me. I have always wanted to learn more about Bipolar Disorder and try to figure out just a little bit of what might be going on in my grandmother’s head. That is why I chose Bipolar Disorder for this paper, to get more inside on this illness, not just for my own curiosity, but also for my grandmother’s sake. Mental illnesses are fascinating and Bipolar Disorder brings new light to many

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