
Argumentative Essay On Infidelity

Decent Essays

"Infidelity." “Infidelity is wrong. I know that, however, I don’t believe that I am the issue. She broke up with her for me, and just when I thought she was all mine… she went right back." I know it’s wrong to love her knowing she’s in a relationship, and I know it’s wrong to let her love me. I know it's wrong to feel this way but I can't help it. For once, someone's feelings doesn't matter to me. I really would hate to see anyone get hurt, but a part of me just doesn’t care. Actually, if we’re being honest… I kind of hope her girlfriend gets hurt. All that matters is that I love her and I want to be with her. Call me a home wrecker. Call me the mistress. Hell, call me crazy, but you will never understand these feelings I have for her. Magic? Yeah, I wish that were real. Telepathy would be a pretty handy skill to possess right about now considering that she’s the most unpredictable woman I know. I don’t know what goes through her head. I will never know if she completely feels for me the way I feel for her. “I know. I know, you think I’m crazy, she doesn’t love me, I mean she got back with her ex for god’s sake, but there’s more to it and you will never understand these feelings I have for her.” I don’t know how it happened. She was my best friend. She was someone I called my sister! We made plans together… as just friends. Of course at the time, she was, what I’d like to call, “in love” with her girlfriend, so we never considered the idea of being together. We’d planned to be each others Maid of Honor, her marrying her girlfriend of three years and me marrying my boyfriend of two months. Long story short, my relationship with him went no where and actually if we’re being completely honest here, I thought I was straight. No, Della Mae didn’t turn me gay or bisexual or whatever you want to call it. I just tried so hard to believe that I’m physically, sexually, and emotionally attracted to men, for my family’s sake, but I’ve only been lying to myself. I’ve liked girls since I was born. You’d be surprised how clueless my religious family is. All they ever talk about is my new boyfriend, when I’m going to have kids, if I plan to get on birth control. Ha ha, just absolutely clueless. But Della Mae. Ah,

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