
Argumentative Essay On Gene Editing

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Parents want nothing but the best for their children. Would some parents go through a screening of their embryo to detect diseases, deformations, and even go as far as picking the traits they would want their child to have? Advances in recent genetics propose that we are potentially close to parents being able to screen their embryos and make an alteration to genomes. The use of CRISPR/Cas9, gene editing technologies, are stirring up ethical debates. There are many arguments in favor and against this possible development in science and human life. Those against gene editing say, it is unnatural and dangerous and may cause unintentional edits to genomes of unborn fetuses without their consent. Those in favor say that it may lead to a decrease in the occurrence of many serious diseases, decreasing human suffering.
One of the biggest ethical arguments against gene editing is that it is unnatural, unsafe and “amounts to playing god” (“Pro and Con: Should Gene Editing,” 2016). I feel that for as long as humans have been living on this earth, we have been reproducing without any knowledge of what deformations, diseases, other life-threatening illnesses or even the eye and hair color that one could be born with. Until recently there has been no way that embryos could be screened for parents to know what complications they might encounter after the birth of their child. Today, the use of a technology called pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) used in in vitro fertilization

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