
Argumentative Essay On Chivalry

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Chivalry was born in a time when killing, war and pillaging foreign villages was common. Women and children were defenceless against malicious invaders. Between 1220 and 1720 a new ideology started to emerge that set apart a barbaric invader and a noble knight: The Code of Chivalry. It said to respect women rather than exploit them, to defend the weak rather than harass them. This code was needed in turmoil filled times of the Middle Ages, but not in a modern time when men and women are equal. As society has progressed it has led to a more equal and fair society. In 1870 African-Americans gained the right to vote. In 1920 women gained the right to vote. As society has progressed it has become more equal. Chivalry pushes for men to treat women with special privileges. In times where women have equal rights and opportunities men and women should not be treated based on gender. Men and women should be treated equal no matter what gender, race or heritage. In the past when women were expected to stay home and take care of the house and children Chivalry was …show more content…

It says to give women special privileges. Women want to be treated equally to men. Women pushed for equal rights and the same job opportunities. As they have have gained more rights the need to treat them with special privileges has faded away. When women were wanted to stay home and take care of the house and remain uneducated they needed special rules to defend them, since they had no means to provide for themselves. Now that women can provide and educate themselves they no longer need the Code of Chivalry to defend them and give them special treatment. If the code of chivalry is going to be used in modern circumstances it should not discriminate based on gender. The code of chivalry says to, “Respect and honor women.” A modernized version of the code would encompass both genders. Women are no longer oppressed and deserve to be treated equally to

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