
Argumentative Essay On Body Camera

Satisfactory Essays

A body camera are a useful thing, well not for cops because it can give more depth into what cops do in according to the SIRS DATABASE in Ferguson,Missouri in 2014 a black unarmed teen was shot to death by a cop but instead of them indict him they made him where a body cam. All across the community and the country body cams where given to polices officers $263 million in funding went in to this to proved fore these body cam's. The people that voted fore theses body came's say that it will reduce the use of force by police and lessen the number of complaints agent them. People say body cam's will be a good thing because cops cant tamper withe the evidence because the body cam will have it on video so cops cant say that the person the arrested for something they did not do that is-int true. The body cam will have it on video. Body came's will help improve the community and the un-orthodontics ways of cops. Body cam videos will bring a hole new light to thing in the court room because there will be actual proof of lets say a cop beating an unarmed person there body cam video will keep the right people out of jail and leave some cops without a job. …show more content…

body cam's will save lives if used the right way it could keep another incest black person from getting shot. body cams can stop most of the police brutality. if we take a cop court and ask him why does the report you filed stat something that did not happen we can just look at the body com video and it would give us all the proof we need. but should the cops be aloud to look at the video because that could tamper with it if that did some thing wrong in the video and dose't want anyone to see or they side some thing wrong. these are all things that could happen wile the cop has free time he or she can simply edit the video capered by the body

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