
Argumentative Essay: It's Time To Stop Poaching

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Imagine going to the zoo and not see your beloved picture book animals. When people think of problems in the environment they think of global warming and pollution. Well, Poaching is also one of those problems.As years go on poaching has only gotten worse and as a result, animales have been paying the price. As many nations have gotten on board to try to stop the illegal trafficking animals, poachers have not yet stopped.Therefore penalties for poaching should be severe.Poaching is the cause of many species extinction, drug dealing, and weapon smuggling.

Poaching is one of the causes for the extinction of many animals, such as rhinos, tigers, elephants and much more. According to The World Book Web Encyclopedia animals which are being hunted …show more content…

By depending on the black market to help sell animal parts, it gives out an idea that this is illegal. In fact, The World Book Web claims that Poachers use animal remains in the trading for weapons and narcotics. Furthermore, this shows how poachers don't just sell but buy illegally. Doubtless, poachers are not alone on this there are people helping, which if we want to get rid of it, it will take time.

Our society thinks it’s a bad thing, but people who do it are doing it for a reason. They will say they are doing it for profit and/or for food. People have the right to think that it is causing animals go extinct, but there will always be a counter claim from another person arguing that it’s not true. For every argument, there is a counter claim and in this case, the topic is poaching.Poaching is very severe and harmful to the environment while others might say that poaching is great because it sells for a lot of profit. What they don’t realize is how much damage they are actually

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