
Argumentative Essay: Is College Really Worth It?

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Is College Really Worth It? Is a college education even worth it ? From a young age countless of young minds have a sequence of getting an educa tion drilled in to them. Elementary, Middle, High School, and straight to college. Now days most jobs in this society won’t even consider a resume without some sort of post-high school education. Obtaining a college degree opens doors to a vast amount of career openings , but with the price of college steadily rising, an extremely competitive job market, and costly student loans people are left wondering does a college education have merit? Many believe that it does. Choosing to attended college is a huge decision, and one that should be made with caution. At the same time, pursing that college education can help one grown to their full potential, and create everlasting memories that can help propel a person through adulthood. In the end it will be seen that receiving a college degree is defiantly worthwhile . …show more content…

Going to college is also about the experience. When most young adults enter college, they will be experiencing living apart from their loved one’s for the first time. This occurrence, while frightening helps to bring a new level of freedom and responsibility to an individual’s life that they may have never experienced. College is a great environment to help develop a sense of self and a new passion about one’s life and future. It will also help develop great time management skills that one will need to be a fully functioning member of society. In the book “They Say/I Say with Readings, Freeman Hrarbowski the author of a passage in the book entitled “Colleges Prepare People for Life.” Is quoted saying “Yes, colleges prepare people for jobs, but more importantly they prepare people for life.” (Hrarbowsi

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