Reforming immigration is a two-side debate that never seems to be end. Some, like Ngai, McDaniel, Semotuik, and West support that reforming is important and worth, while others, like York opposed that we should not invest money and time on something that will not be worth, meaning no need of immigration reform. There is a long debate over this issue because everyone has different point of view regarding immigrations. However, I agree with Ngai, McDaniel, Semotuik and West thought and concerns about reforming immigration process for three reasons. Firstly, I believed it is not right that families have separated for long time due to long waiting on process. Secondly, government should fully support the immigration authorities by increasing funds
Immigration has been a burning issue lately, particularly after Donald Trump’s immigration ban in the United States of America. It has been a topic that families discuss every morning with breakfast. Despite many concerns related to immigration, it has several positive benefits that mostly outweighs the negativity. People bizarrely argue when it comes to immigration, but these arguments are primarily based on facts and ideas that are outdated or inconsistent and blindfold the positive aspect related to immigration. Many immigrants in the United States are good workers who don't depend upon any public welfare and mostly help in the overall development of the economy. As a country made by immigrants, we must not forget the fact that immigrants have helped to build cities and create a path of development form Google to iPhones (Gray & Furman, 2012). These facts are secluded, and some related arguments with different content have been repeated for years and continue. Immigrants have a lot to give the United States rather than to take, especially when it comes to economic terms.
Some argue that immigrants will take our jobs after the allowance of legalization and attendance of postsecondary education. It is a true fact that those who become legal in the labor market will demand better treatment, respect, increased wages, and employee benefits. Those, who already have a degree, and clean houses for living due to their status, will apply for jobs equal to their education. Although the fact that they will take our job is true to some degree, it is a rhetoric marketed exaggerator, installed to create fear, and lead to an opposition to immigration reform. The legalization will affect most companies that benefit from a mistreatment of undocumented immigrants and will affect businesses that profit from underpaying their hired laborers, documented or undocumented. According to Aviva Chomsky, “Governments have made sure that there are people without rights to fulfill business’s need for cheap workers and high profits” (126). Businesses tend to oppose restriction on immigration today because inequality maintains a population of poor people who lack access to resources, and who may have little alternative but to accept jobs under the worst of conditions (15). “The answer to the low-wage problem is not to restrict the rights of people at the bottom even more (through deportations, criminalization, etc.) but to challenge the accord between business and government that promote the low-wage, high-profit model” (27). Immigrants have always flooded America, to work as a cheap labor, work under strenuous conditions, send remittance to their home countries, and return home. The fact that people believed immigrants come to steal the American wealth is altered by the globalization of the economy, and it hurts to have a vulnerable nation labor force to compete with other countries. According to Chomsky, “As of 2005, Social Security was receiving about $7 billion a year through false social security numbers provided by illegal immigrant workers” (38). This fact is based on a low-income/low immigrant wage. Therefore, allowing immigrants to access higher education and better-paid jobs will result in higher income taxes, higher real estate and consumer’s taxes, community involvement and volunteering. If the
The immigration reform, an important issue for the U.S. government has accelerated significantly in the past few years. It has been debated between the democratic and republican senators to reform a framework for the immigration. President Obama gave a speech to push for an immigration reform in favor of undocumented 11 million immigrants in the USA, as well as a road map for their legal citizenship. It has also been suggested that a sub citizenship could be an option instead of providing full citizenship for the 11 million undocumented immigrants.
After 1965, when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed and passed the Immigration and Naturalization Act, immigration reform became a major debate ( Though is a hot-button issue with passionate arguments for both sides, it is clear that immigration reform is necessary for the nation's future success. The current immigration laws are useless due to the length of the current naturalization process. This process is quite frustrating for immigrants due to the time and cost incurred, along with the language barriers associated with completing the documentation. For the United States of America to sustain its moniker of an American Dream, it is of the utmost importance that we charge the federal government with revising and improving immigration reform.
Matt Mendoza believes in immigration reform, but we must put into place a firm foundation to build upon, a foundation that is rock solid in protecting America’s borders and its citizens by forcing Washington to fulfill its Constitutional duty of enforcing the laws we already have in place.
much less have the desire to be reunited with them. The laws are often used to
Even though the reform should be passed there are also some things that immigrants should do to show that they are willing to do whatever it takes to be accepted in this country. The main thing they should work on is to learn the primary language of the U.S, which is English. Immigrants need to prove once again of what they are capable of. Even if immigrants are in a really good percentage of speaking English they still have to work harder. According to Julia Beckhusen one of the journalists in charge to collect information for the U.S Census Bureau,“The majority of the Mexican immigrants (close to two-thirds) do not speak English well.” This seems to be a big problem among the immigrants. Why is it good to learn the language? “English-speaking
The Article Immigration Policy: Should the U.S. government take stricter measures to limit illegal immigration (February 9, 2017), focuses on whether the U.S. should adopt stricter measures for illegal immigration. Supporters believe that illegal immigrants pose a threat to national security. Undocumented immigrants are not in the system, so their criminal records are inaccessible. Additionally, supporters believe that immigrants take the jobs of Americans. Companies tend to give immigrants jobs because they will work for cheap wages. However, the opponents of the law believe stricter measures for illegal immigrants shouldn’t be done because most of the country's technological breakthroughs are due to immigrants. Opponents believe that immigrants help the economy because they take the jobs that not many workers take, such as farming or physical work. Immigration policy argument will continue until there is common ground established between everyone whether to there should be stricter measures or another way for them to become documented.
As an old saying goes: “Everything is a two-edged sword!” although the U.S. has been benefits a lot form the upcoming immigrant, there are a lot of social and political problem associate with it. As politician often put when they made the speech: “current immigration system in the United States is broken.” There are several reasons why the immigration system in the U.S. needed to be reformed: families are separated, immigrant workers are exploited, people died when they try to across the border, and the discrimination against immigrants.
Immigration is currently a hot topic within in the United States government. Currently the United States Congress is fighting to decide the fate of the Dreamers, and the Immigration bill DACA. Like many controversial issues within the government, the Democrats and Republicans are in a disagreement on what to do. Each article, examines a different take on the current immigration reform. Bier’s main argument is that individuals who are contributing to immigration reform are ignorant, that Immigrants are not hurting the American Labor market. The next article, I examined, was written by Eric Cantor; Cantor states that although the parties each have a high stake on the decision Congress makes on DACA, there must be a decision otherwise, the law will remain status quo. Next, we look at Gessen’s article, the main argument is that immigrants should not be looked at valuable or illegal, they should not have to be talented in order to be welcome within the United States. Lastly, Vargas, an undocumented Immigrant, discusses the difficulties of being illegal within the United States, yet still shines light on the positive influences he had throughout his childhood and time in America.
The United States Purchased the virgin islands from Denmark in 1917. I was born in the virgin islands The U.S. Virgin islands to be exact. Yet, I'm still treated as if I was an immigrant. I've traveled within the U.S. several times living in the virgin islands , new york and texas taking trips to new jersey and Puerto Rico as a child. My father was born in the Dominican republic came to the U.S. with a school visa and my mother is Puerto Rican born on a U.S. territory. We live in a society which is made up of immigrants from different corners of the globe also known as the melting pot . Living in texas for a couple of years I've been told numerous of inappropriate immigrant comments; In Fact, I've been told that since “I don’t speak American,
agriculture. Natives have a mindset that they are too good to be working at such lowly
Immigration is such a complicated topic. I really didn’t realize everything that went into it until I got to college and was able to vote myself. Although I have written thousands of words on this topic, I still am unsure if I can for certain say that I completely agree with one side of the argument or the other. What I do believe is the fact that immigration is a touchy issue, especially within the United States, and each case should be looked at differently.
Illegal immigration, a hot topic among many Americans. Many americans seem to think that illegal immigrants are the sources of all the nations problems. The question that remains is are these people right? While illegal immigrants can cause some issues throughout the nation such as higher crime rates, terrorist threats, and disadvantage to american workers, they also do many good things such as boost the economy, add more cultural influence, and provide a cheap labor force.
Immigration is the movement through which an individual permanently moves from their place of residence from one country to another. Immigration is a topic which divides political parties and general debate. Whilst some people see the positives of immigration, such as the filling of skill gaps in low and highly skilled jobs, others see the negatives of immigration, such as the strain on services such as the NHS, schools and housing.