
Argument Essay: The Case Against Chores By Jane Smiley

Decent Essays

When I hear, parents argue kids should not do chores and others replying they should be made to do chores, I wonder whether they ever experienced a week away with a large group of teenagers. After spending such a week with several different types of teenagers, I can honestly state my opinion regarding the issue. I feel strongly that children should do chores for three reasons, they mature a kids judgment, give responsibility, and offer
Last summer I led a group of middle and high school aged youth on a church mission trip. We stayed in a bunkhouse behind the church, where we were responsible for providing meals for ourselves, and properly cleaning up after ourselves. So, to manage all of this we divided the chores equally among the group. …show more content…

They constantly needed me to motivate them to get to work. It became entirely exhausting continually reminding them to stay focused on their tasks, rather than mingle amongst themselves. It was apparent they wanted to do what they wanted to do and not mind me. The kids clearly decided beforehand not to help out because there was nothing in it for them. Jane Smiley wrote an essay entitled, “The Case Against Chores,” where she argued that kids should not do chores, rather she suggested to give the kids time and eventually they will find something they want to do. This rationale is limiting the child from ever becoming responsible for himself. It places the child in the driver's seat to determine what he considers to be worthwhile work. However, many times in life or on a mission trip, we are expected to serve others and if a child is not initially trained to do something from a level of love, then they will not do anything. Like my mission trip, the majority of the kids acted irresponsibly simply because they expected something in return and could not act from a place of …show more content…

There is a belief that love should not be dependent upon whether a child contributes to the household or not. Those who believe this argue that a kid will be loved regardless if they clean the garage or not. Though, this is true, since I will love my kids even if they do not perform what is expected. However, there is a fine line here that parents need to steer clear of, and that is a parent is first and foremost the authoritarian and should require obedience. Although we love our kids we cannot allow them to evade work just because we do not want to risk losing their love. Rather, allowing them to evade work may just be the most unloving thing a parent can do. Another opinion offered by Smiley is children should be left to be children; be free to wander and explore and never impose responsibility on them. I agree, to an extent, a child should play, explore, and be free to be young, however, remember a child is growing and the habits we instill now will only remain as he matures. An adult, who suddenly experiences real life struggles, will have a problematic time managing his circumstances if he never learned the habit of doing for

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