
Are Zoos Are Cruel And Unnecessary?

Decent Essays

In the article “Zoos Are Cruel and Unnecessary,” Earth Times posed a question, “With the internet, as well as DVDs, 3D TV, etc., are zoos really necessary to teach people about animals in the 21st century?” In the response given by Liz Tyson, director of the Captive Animals’ Protection Society, she argues an animal and its environment in a zoo is “out of context” and there is no substitution for an animal’s natural habitat. Therefore, viewing animals in such environments distorts the message that a zoo’s primary purpose is to conserve these habitats in the wild. By focusing solely on the artificial habitats, Tyson fails to mention the educational opportunities that zoos and zoological parks can provide, such as interactive visitor programs, breeding and rehabilitation programs, and up-close animal encounters.
Tyson’s idea that the purpose of an animal exhibit is to serve as a substitute rather than a representation of their natural ecosystem reveals she has not considered the complexity of a zoo’s influence. She implies that when an animal lives in captivity, their enclosure does not convey the sense of urgency needed in the conservation of the species …show more content…

She claims that while zoos are not necessary for education, the “educative message delivered by zoos is, at best, distorted and, at worst, damaging to the cause that the zoos purport to champion—that is; the conservation of species.” Because she does not consider the educational opportunities and programs that zoos and zoological parks can offer, so her opinion on these establishments is unfavorable. However, by offering a wide variety of programs and opportunities, zoos create a unique experience for their visitors. If the animals are under proper care, there is no reason for society to believe that zoos are “cruel and

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