
Are Women Morally Superior To Men By Katha Pollitt

Decent Essays

Katha Pollitt's essay, Marooned on Gilligan’s Island: Are Women Morally Superior to Men, is an essay that explains why people in a society act the way they do, specifically regarding why women are labeled the way that they are. Ms. Pollitt argues how gender difference is a big problem in our society that a lot of people, including women overlook. Through her refutation of many different authors arguments, she begins to build her thesis as well as discuss how important this topic is in society and how it effects the lives of people. Pollitt explicitly points out throughout her essay, that difference feminists are arguing that women’s only job in society is one that conforms to a man. Pollitt disagrees with this statement. Pollitt argues …show more content…

She even furthers her argument by saying that this leads to sexual inequality and misogyny. Katha however argues a different side. Katha elaborates that daughters should not define themselves by relating to their mothers, because by doing this she is equating that women must adhere to the traditional values. These traditional values, are the problem with gender difference.
Women in the work force are not nearly as dominant as men are. Katha argues that this isn’t due to women not being able to handle the workload, but instead because of how society, especially in the business world, best adheres to a man. Katha uses an excellent example on page 402 that shows how inequality in the business world is prevalent. Katha uses the Sears case in which Men were getting the bigger and better business deals, simply because women could not handle the pressure of dealing with the amount of work and emotional fatigue this would have brought. Finally she analyzes that women aren’t actually emotionally weak. It is society that has labeled them this way, which causes people to view and categorize women as emotionally weak. Pollitt wants the general public to know that women are perfectly happy by being themselves, and not having to conform to society's expectations. Katha says that this is because society has labeled women as not wanting a job that has a lot of emotional ties in it.
Gilligan, a supporter of feminism argues that sexes, make high

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