
Are We Be A Nation?

Decent Essays

“Are we to be a Nation?”

After the Revolutionary War the big question of the age was how to form a government that would endure to protect the liberty and rights of the people. There was no president, no national court system and the fate of the Americans was yet to be decided. After the war, Washington retired to his beloved Mt. Vernon giving a whole new definition of what greatness was; he resigned to power and to a crown just to become a common man. His resignation left 13 little republics that were held together by what was called a loose alliance, and everything pointing to the inevitable, they would remain as states but not united. At the time, Massachusetts and Virginia were examples of separate states considered to be their own countries. There were those who talked about 2 or 3 confederations, or even no confederations, but the 1 separate government. The country celebrated after the war because they had received everything they asked for from the British, but to those who decided to remain loyal to the crown, the American victory was considered a disaster. ”When monarchy is ended, the sense of being a subject ends as well”. Alexander Hamilton said: “Peace! And a new scene opens. The object now is to make our independence work. To do this, we must secure our Union on solid foundations”. Alexander Hamilton was a delegate in the continental congress; he is truly convinced that he knows where the country should be heading to because he knew that the United States had

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