
Are Waist Trainers Bad For You Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Natalie Lopez
Professor Montoya English 1301 - 63011 March 1st 2016

Cassey Ho is a pop Pilates instructor that has a youtube channel called Blogilates
A waist trainer is just a modern version of a corset
Celebrities have been wearing waist trainers to get rid of fat. In this blog Are Waist Trainers Bad for you? Cassey explains that not only are they bad for you, but there is no evidence that they help you lose weight. Most celebrities like the Kardashians are paid to wear them and because they are wearing them everyone jumps on the bandwagon.

Corsets originated in France as early as the 16th and 17th centuries worn by men and women of the higher class during the Victorian era. Most middle and upper class women continued to compete

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